Alright i purchased a 1month subscription and i'm a bit dissappointed.
I had a 6$ vcc left and bought a subscribtion. Then i wanted to give them my phone number to try out the phone service, then i found out they dont support germany and nowhere this is said...!
List of countries which are supported:
Then i thought "okay.. lets check out the vcc service"
You can choose which credit card you want to use, either your entered credit card which you used for subscribing or another. I used the same, because i still had 1$ left on it.
Then i wanted to create a new vcc with 1$ balance, but i could not, because the minimum amount on your masked vcc must be minimum 10$! This is also written nowhere!
My subscribtion is pretty useless now because i cannot use the masked vcc service or the phone service. . .
I think you can have a workaround with the vccs, you just need much money on your main credit card.
1. Create a new masked vcc with 10$ on it
2. Use it for example for azure or aws vps, so it is charged with 1$
3. Go to paypal and donate yourself 9$
Or you can create a masked vcc, then donate yourself a certain amount, and sell the vcc for some money.
I will try this out, but i first need a vcc with minimum 10$ on it.
If someone lives in one of the countries where the phone numbers are supported, please pm me, i want to check if this service is working with neuprime or other services!