
Hello fellas. I wanna showcase my increased CPM on YouTube. I currently partnered with bbtv. I use traffichive.com I wasn't sure if i could earn with youtube although many members have told me it works so wanted to test for myself. I was amazed with results!! I made a 10USD per day I was speech less when I saw the result. My CPM increased to $130+ So I recommend you all to use Traffichive TE to increase your earning and CPM. here is screenshot of my earning
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Last edited by traffichive; 12-14-2015 at 01:55 AM. Reason: NEED TO ADD IMAGE
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Received: 478 Given: 122 |
i think you forgot that your username is trafichive, so you are promoting your site and it seems like you are just a member by the way you are promoting it
i am moving this thread
btw @Chillivanilli see ? Thats why i told you i dont like that TE
@Ryuzaki and at @Chillivanilli i am not hiding anything if i was hiding something i would of used a different name right. I have members messaging me telling me that they are making money and i am sharing this infomation. . Ryu its not a secret that there is hate between me and tbn. Lets not tbn dramA come here , dont use bias you have for me from tbn. you mentioned it that you hate my TE as its banned on tbn . teslahits is banned on tbn too and i dont see you basing it like you have my te. lets be fair and not use tbn drama on this nice forum. I love it here. If i have offended you im sorry but i do not want drama sir
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Received: 478 Given: 122 |
You dont see me "basing" Teslahits because he isnt promoting his site here this way, trust me i would be a the same for teslahits, this isnt about TBN, i dont like TBN, its about your TE site, there were always problems with it, and now you even "paid" our user to promote your site here, and then you register here, i didnt liked that, I am happy you like it here but please dont promote your site here this way, i would be the same at all users who would try to promote their TE or any other site that way like you did trust me, i am not trying to make ANY drama i am just saying what i am thinking + you posted it in 100% wrong section so i HAD to move it to right section.
NO DRAMA HERE just saying facts, i dont have anything againts you as a person, i just dont like all the fuss that was made about your TE, and when i see that you "paid" our user to promote you here then of course i would get mad. But end of the discussion.
@Ryu there is no drama i have promised chilli and you there is no drama can we please stop this . again in sorry
@Co0oL when i first started out i had big of my site and a guy on tbn who was a senior did not get youtube hits and he came after my traffic exchange which ruited its reputation, but i never gave up. To answer your question , i have a new viewer that uses chrome my viewer has 75 user agents (desktop and mobile) from my experience its work on youtube and dailymotion and gpt, ptc sites . best option would be for you to try it out and judge for yourself
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Received: 7 Given: 2 |
One thing I noticed is it takes hell lot of time to validate a site submitted. Solve the issue @traffichive
i am the only one running the sites so i approve manually at times if im asleep it takes longer. i used to user a totalvirus api to automatically approve sites but people complained their sites were beind flagged for malware . i may hire a second person to help me approve sites