I felt obligated to post here once again. I know I'm not active, but I felt like I "owed" the community an update to this.
Tl;dr of my last two posts - wanted to ask someone out....s**t really hit the f**king fanannnd yeah. No bueno.
If you feel obligated to read: http://a2s.in/topic/155-update.html
@Angemon merged my first post into the second.
Here's a bit of a run down.
- Meet girl.
- Talk for a while, we get really close.
- oshit.jpg: distance
- Shit hits the fan, stuff that won't be discussed here for both the sake of privacy & the fact that I'm quite embarrassed by it.
So there's that for the newcomers.
As per request:
Those guys requested to be tagged. xD
Well uhm. Long time later, I'm proud to be able to say....
So yeah. Figured I would update everyone - things in spoilers for those who want to read the story then hear the update.
i will read this later from my vps bro (my ISP really sucks that i can't see picture at all)
come on bro.. where is "next" ?