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Thread: Drugs...

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chillivanilli View Post
    I mean that drugs in general arent bad (not only weed) if you know how to use them. I mean weed, lsd, cocaine, mushrooms, whatever. You can make good experiences and bad experiences. If you learn how to use them correctly you avoid harm your body and have a good experience.
    For example, if you wanna take some weed, dont smoke it but vaporize it, so you dont inhalate harmful substances which are generated by too much heat. Or even better: bake some space cookies You can have a good experience if you do it responsible and dont over do it, without harming your body at all.
    Alcohol isnt bad either, but in order to get "high" from alcohol you need to drink a lot, which harmes the liver. If you just drink 1 glass of wine every evening, or sometimes 2-3 this wouldnt harm your body.

    But i guess the chemical drugs like crystal meth etc. are the exception, because it's nothing natural.

    In my opinion alcohol is not the worst drug, but one of the really bad ones since it makes you physically dependent, not psychologically dependent and as i said above, in order to get high / drunk you need to consume a lot, which is not good for your body.
    It's still not worse than chemical drugs, but at least if weed etc. are illegal, alcohol should be illegal, too, or vice versa, if alcohol is legal, weed, cocaine, lsd etc. should be legal, too. At least if it's legal you avoid people consuming very low quality drugs which are mixed with chemicals etc. and destroys you.

    Yeah i understand you but i dont think we can compare cocaine, with alcohol and maybe thats why alcohol is legal and not other drugs like the ones you mentioned but its okay every one see the things diferently, thanks for your answer anyway

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  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryuzaki View Post
    lol no, again you cant put alcohol and cocain in the same line, you just cant Chilli
    as a bussiness man yeah, it would be good if it became legal, but as a normal citizen with friends who are addicted to cocain, weed and alcohol, i csn tell you that alcohol is the least evil of these things
    Quote Originally Posted by feerbau View Post
    Yeah i understand you but i dont think we can compare cocaine, with alcohol and maybe thats why alcohol is legal and not other drugs like the ones you mentioned but its okay every one see the things diferently, thanks for your answer anyway
    I didnt want to put alcohol on the same level as cocaine or similar, of course there are soft drugs and hard drugs, and alcohol is not a hard drug.
    And if people are addicted they are abusing drugs. Some drugs make you more addicted than others, but what i wanted to say is that no natural drug is really "bad" for you if you know how to use it and if you dont overdo it. The problem is that most people overdo it. If you just take cocaine once a week or every few weeks you dont get addicted. And as i said before i dont talk about the shit you can buy from street dealers. I'm talking about the pure cocaine or whatever.
    If drugs are sold legal, the government makes sure the quality is good. For example weed in netherlands. If you buy it in stores, you always have a very good quality and it is not stretched with bird sand or whatever. If you buy cocaine on the streets you'll have a lot of substances in there which are highly toxic.
    Of course weed is also not comparable with cocaine because it's more a soft drug than a hard drug, but you get the point.
    And i also know people who are addicted to weed and are addicted to alcohol and what harms them more is definietly alcohol.

    I think everyone should decide himself what he does in his life and what not. And if someone decides to take a drug, then he should be able to do that. People die because of cancer when smoking cigarettes, too. People die from drinking too much alcohol. This is legal, but if people take illegal drugs they are the bad guys and it's not legal because it's "bad?".

    It's hard to explain my opinion in english

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    Last edited by Chillivanilli; 04-22-2016 at 03:47 PM.

  3. #13
    Reviewer BlackGrimReaper's Avatar
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    According to me alcohol is only harmful if you drink too much of it but we drink it too much because we want to get high but there is a counter measure of it. I have personally tested it. It takes me 7 or 8 fully non diluted ounces of whiskey ( I have only tried that so sorry if you are looking for pure alcohol ) but if I take 3 ounces of alcohol with a 2 tablets of fast digestion drug (like hazmola in india) I can get high at the same level and I've tried it only 2 times in my life and I know the main concept of getting high through alcohol is, it is non digestive that's why our mind gets shitty shanty high.. I don't know how that works But believe me it worked and don't take any chemically produced fast digestion drug ( don't blame me if you puke yourself) take those who claims to be natural fast digestive drug..... @Ryuzaki it seems like you are a normal user of alcohol any tips....

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    Last edited by BlackGrimReaper; 04-22-2016 at 04:02 PM.

  4. #14
    私は正義です Ryuzaki's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chillivanilli View Post
    I didnt want to put alcohol on the same level as cocaine or similar, of course there are soft drugs and hard drugs, and alcohol is not a hard drug.
    And if people are addicted they are abusing drugs. Some drugs make you more addicted than others, but what i wanted to say is that no natural drug is really "bad" for you if you know how to use it and if you dont overdo it. The problem is that most people overdo it. If you just take cocaine once a week or every few weeks you dont get addicted. And as i said before i dont talk about the shit you can buy from street dealers. I'm talking about the pure cocaine or whatever.
    If drugs are sold legal, the government makes sure the quality is good. For example weed in netherlands. If you buy it in stores, you always have a very good quality and it is not stretched with bird sand or whatever. If you buy cocaine on the streets you'll have a lot of substances in there which are highly toxic.
    Of course weed is also not comparable with cocaine because it's more a soft drug than a hard drug, but you get the point.
    And i also know people who are addicted to weed and are addicted to alcohol and what harms them more is definietly alcohol.

    I think everyone should decide himself what he does in his life and what not. And if someone decides to take a drug, then he should be able to do that. People die because of cancer when smoking cigarettes, too. People die from drinking too much alcohol. This is legal, but if people take illegal drugs they are the bad guys and it's not legal because it's "bad?".

    It's hard to explain my opinion in english
    How are you so informed of all these drugs things anyways @BlackGrimReaper i am just a normal "alcohol user" i drink some beers, vodka sometimes whiskey when i am with friends and want to have some good time, never looked at these things "scientificaly" so really dunno what to say to that

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  5. #15
    Coder Chillivanilli's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryuzaki View Post
    How are you so informed of all these drugs things anyways @BlackGrimReaper i am just a normal "alcohol user" i drink some beers, vodka sometimes whiskey when i am with friends and want to have some good time, never looked at these things "scientificaly" so really dunno what to say to that
    I'm just interested in that topic I've read a lot about drugs and watch a lot of interviews with people who know what they are talking about.

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  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by feerbau View Post
    Hi everyone in A2S i came up with a question for everyone. I dont know i was thinking about drugs so i think maybe anyone here was involved with these... xd

    Did you ever tried drugs?? What was it like? Did you like it?

    I dont know i if can do this kind of questions but it found it interesting to ask it.
    Hello! If you're referring to ILLEGAL DRUGS like shabu, marijuana, cocaine, and the likes, NO I haven't tried any of it... Never in a million years. These stuff are not good for the body. So why would I even bother to trying something that can possibly ruin my health and my body?

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  7. #17
    Member HMASERV's Avatar
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    No i hate Drugs .I,m gonna kill theml if i captured one User and Pushers

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