Hello guyzz...
My exams are finishing tomorrow. So i want to treat myself with an awesome anime in which i want your help.
So i want you to recommend me some anime which you think is highly recommended in your list
Anime i've watched so far:
Mirai nikki (awesome)(thanks @Ryuzaki for suggesting)
Death note (no words, just love it)
Darker than Black (love you main character)
Psycho pass
Gun slinger stratos
Fate stay: unlimited blade works
Fullmetal alchemist
Shingeki no kyojin
Tokyo ghoul
Inazuma eleven
And many more.
Currently ongoing series that i am watching:
God eater (too much luck on main character's side but i love it)
One piece
World trigger
Hoping for awesome treats
Last edited by BlackGrimReaper; 09-18-2015 at 03:01 PM.
I dont really watch animes, but the only anime which blowed my mind was death note. Absolutely awesome! But you already have that in your list
I think @Ryuzaki can suggest you a lot
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Rainbow: Nisha Rokubou no Shichinin - MUST WATCH
Clannad if you wanna longer drama/tear jerker
Death Parade
Fate/Stay Zero - Must watch if you have seen Fate/Stay UBW
Angel Beats
Akame ga Kill
Usagi Drop - Just dont read the manga
No Game no Life
Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu
Nanatsu No Taizai
Ao No exorcist
Guilty Crown
I posted just some, its a mix of genres, read about some and watch the ones you like, i personally like all of these a lot
Last edited by Ryuzaki; 09-17-2015 at 04:25 PM.
Thanks @Ryuzaki.... i hope there are no ecchi series in your list![]()
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Parasyte the maxim.watch it dude.its awesome
katanagatari (first 11 episode are ok ,but the last 12th episode is awesome)
samurai champloo