Hello everybody, this is my first thread i want to share this info with you, and why not have few reffrels
Ithink you all knew paidverts ? in this website you can receive daily cash ads that pay you from $0.0005 up to $200 for 30seconds of your time!
After all the success Paidverts knew all the good review about it, an other website strated the same strategy few weeks ago: DigAdz. after another one started Sanbux: for this one he is off since 02 days now.
There is a new PTC wich will start on 16-Mars-2015: same strategy based on Bonus Ads Points: advertzer.
Now i will put the links (Normal and reffrels):
Paidverts Reffrel Link
DigAdz Reffrel Link
Advertzer Reffrel Link
Thank You All