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Hello all,
I have website called dmarkshakeoff .com and really did good job on it But when I try to put my google adsens code I get this message from google
We've found policy violations on edmarkshakeoff .com that are preventing your site from being approved:
Valuable inventory: Scraped content
As stated in our Program policies, we may not show Google ads on pages or apps with little or no value and/or excessive advertising to the user. This includes pages or apps that are scraping or rewriting of content from other sources without adding value. Please see Google’s Webmaster quality guidelines for thin content with little or no added value for more information.
For more information, review the following resources:
Policy tips for creating high quality sites (part 1)
Policy tips for creating high quality sites (part 2)
Webmaster quality guidelines
AdSense Program policies
How I fix that
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I need help when I enter password in the dashboard username : ang...ub
password : ange.....7 the page do not load I delete cookies and everything I try even folder htp
* I already use this method with this domain and after I loose hosting and I do not have back up I try again But do not work I know that need to change something in this files but I don't which one *
Please help me
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the ultimate adsense method is not supported on A2S anymore.
Or maybe someone is scraping your website, which causes a duplicated content!
Relax and calm your mind. Forget about yourself and follow your opponent's movement.
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Thank you so much brother it's help me and it's work so well