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  1. #1
    Member Bun4ld1m's Avatar
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    Looking for nulled wordpress themes. Need some advices.

    Hey people. I've been looking for a couple website themes but I couldn't find nulled ones. I actually really like to buy them because they're great but also expensive (at least for me) so to the time I can afford that I need nulled ones.

    I am also open to advices for alternative wordpress themes similar to these.

    And I'd appreciate if you guys can suggest me some legit websites for them. I'm okay with ads and stuff as long as I get something working. Thank you so much already.

    One of them is : Selasih : https://themeforest.net/item/selasih-ultimate-blog-magazine/13602313

    The other one is: Sparkle : https://themeforest.net/item/sparkle-outstanding-magazine-theme-for-wordpress/7815919

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  2. #2
    Wind Guardian Angemon's Avatar

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    You need to mention that you are looking for MAGAZINE themes , since there are many theme options for wordpress. Also I don't know why you need to start with an expensive wordpress theme when you can use nice free ones , just make your magazine look great with a free theme , when you made some money from it (which prove that your website is doing fine) then go and buy a theme and upgrade your website.

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  3. #3
    Member Bun4ld1m's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angemon View Post
    You need to mention that you are looking for MAGAZINE themes , since there are many theme options for wordpress. Also I don't know why you need to start with an expensive wordpress theme when you can use nice free ones , just make your magazine look great with a free theme , when you made some money from it (which prove that your website is doing fine) then go and buy a theme and upgrade your website.
    It is not like I can actually earn from this one website. I already completed it but I'm not satisfied. It is more like a hobby one right now. As I said if there are other 'Magazine' wordpress themes that you can suggest (especially in speed and functionality ways) I'm open to them.

    These are great advices though thanks a lot <3

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  4. #4
    Member vistatech's Avatar
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    The best SEO Oriented theme, as far as I know has been Genesis Framework by Studiopress since a long time. Genesis Framework by StudioPress

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  5. #5
    Reviewer BlackGrimReaper's Avatar
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    If you want nulled themes then go for 'wonsterscript' and look for your desired one @Bun4ld1m remember the themes can be infected plus its illegal to use them for incentives and others bcoz of copyrights or whatever.... whatever u do its up 2 u...

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  6. #6
    Member Bun4ld1m's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlackGrimReaper View Post
    If you want nulled themes then go for 'wonsterscript' and look for your desired one @Bun4ld1m remember the themes can be infected plus its illegal to use them for incentives and others bcoz of copyrights or whatever.... whatever u do its up 2 u...
    Thanks man. I just had my eyes on those two themes but appearently there is no nulled ones for them. So I'll just use some free ones for now. Thank you all for your helps and advices <3 Very much appreciated.

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