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Thread: Angeclub coins

  1. #1
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    Angeclub coins

    So, I just bought Angeclub membership and there are no coins to buy... What should I do? It is useless without any coins...

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  2. #2
    Coder Chillivanilli's Avatar

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    If you had read the announcement you would know, that you only can buy AngeCoins from the official market every 10 days (1st, 11th and 21th of each month)

    Beside that if you want to buy coins, you need to buy them from other members.
    You can take a look into the Marketplace section, or just take a look at the "Top Paid members"

    and PM someone and ask him if he sells some coins.

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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chillivanilli View Post

    If you had read the announcement you would know, that you only can buy AngeCoins from the offical market every 10 days (1st, 11th and 21th of each month)

    Beside that if you want to buy coins, you need to buy them from other members.
    You can take a look into the Marketplace section, or just take a look at the "Top Paid members"
    and PM someone and ask him if he sells some coins.

    hello Chillivanilli,
    i am also planning to buy angeclub membership in order to buy your war of clicks bot..
    i just want to know:
    (1) how much will my total investment be to get your bot including angeclub membership,
    (2) shall i gain profit being an angeclub member and having your bot run in my computer? if so, how long shall my return of investment be?
    (3) is being an angeclub member means greater chance of earning money online? because i really want to earn online through this site.

    your response will be highly appreciated.
    thank you.

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  4. #4
    Coder Chillivanilli's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by elizalde View Post
    hello Chillivanilli,
    i am also planning to buy angeclub membership in order to buy your war of clicks bot..
    i just want to know:
    (1) how much will my total investment be to get your bot including angeclub membership,
    (2) shall i gain profit being an angeclub member and having your bot run in my computer? if so, how long shall my return of investment be?
    (3) is being an angeclub member means greater chance of earning money online? because i really want to earn online through this site.

    your response will be highly appreciated.
    thank you.
    How much will my total investment be to get your bot including angeclub membership,
    The cost of the AngeClub membership is 8$, but this is needed to get access to the AngeClub section where you can find many eBooks and my bots. If you want to use my Woc bot you will need to spend 1 coin to unlock it. You can use the bot as long as you are an AngeClub member. So if you extend your membership, you don't need to spend 1 coin again. So every eBook and every Bot you want to unlock cost you 1 coin.

    Shall i gain profit being an angeclub member and having your bot run in my computer? If so, how long shall my return of investment be?
    I could say now that it's definietly worth it to use my WoC bot, and that you will earn a lot bla bla, but i'm just honest so: if you plan to buy AngeClub only for my WoC bot, don't to it. The profit of WoC is pretty low if you dont have referals. So if you are using my WoC bot you maybe can get the 9$ you invested back in 1 month, but maybe not. I don't know how much you can earn with WoC, i don't use it myself. I just know that some people who have a lot of referals earn about 3$ / season.

    Does being an AngeClub member mean a greater chancve of earning money online?
    Yes! There are some nice eBooks which can earn you money online. The most important thing is that you are not lazy. If you think you can make money autopilot from the first day on without any work, like with my WoC bot, then you are wrong. Most of the methods in the eBooks need some work in order to earn money. But if you do it right and put effort to it you can earn a lot of money. Some eBooks give you ideas how to earn money, but to make them perfect you sometimes need to have your own ideas how to use these methods or maybe how to make your own method out of it. Making money online is not that easy and needs a lot of reading, some knowledge and try out many things.

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  5. #5
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    I think i really have to act now.
    thanks a lot.

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  6. #6
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    i've just registered as angeclub member.i tried to buy an ebook, i clicked the "Give +฿ to see the content" button. it directed me to the official market, buy 1 coin (just to try how), clicked the pushcart, paid with my paypal then the payment has done. I've returned to Forum then clicked the post about that ebook BUT there is no download link or whatever. tried to click the "Give +฿ to see the content" button but it is now unclickable. Did i do something wrong? what can i do to fix this. Please help me.
    Thanks in advance.

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