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Thread: Amazon Reviews

  1. #1
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    Amazon Reviews

    I currently need 1 person to send their legit US Address. I won't do anything to it like distribute and such. I'm an Amazon Reviewer and I don't live in the US and I want to review products. So to do that, I need a legit US Address for someone to receive the product. These products are not carded, they are all paid using a promo code given by the sellers. If you're interested, please PM me asap.

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  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by AgentPand4 View Post
    I currently need 1 person to send their legit US Address. I won't do anything to it like distribute and such. I'm an Amazon Reviewer and I don't live in the US and I want to review products. So to do that, I need a legit US Address for someone to receive the product. These products are not carded, they are all paid using a promo code given by the sellers. If you're interested, please PM me asap.
    You do not need it... I am US outside too, i am earn some bucks doing amazon reviews... There are many reviews providers that does not send the product to the address you added in your amazon account, so if they do not send the product, what for you need a real address and someone who receive the product?
    just go to 411.com and pick a real US address (because amazon does not accept most address from fakenamegenerator.com) and before write a review ask to your provider if the product will be shipped or not... if not, go ahead and write a review

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  3. #3
    Member kijian's Avatar
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    mind sharing your job provider?

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