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Recently there are lots of rumours about Zarfund going on over various investing and online money making forums. The tagline Zarfund – Where Wealth is Predictable is reaching its new height with incremental growth of new members to the platform.
What is Zarfund ?
Zarfund is a complete teamwork based person to person funding and donation sharing platform. It helps to bring a new way of raising funds for various causes, charity programs.
Confusing, Zarfund is Scam or Legit ?
Ofcourse, it’s an inevitable fact that world of investment program lets you to taste both part of profit and loss. And we always need to find where to invest where not.
Moreover, I’ve seen lots of possibilities to make money online with Matrix (High program) and they are relatively more secure when we join them as early as possible. If a person joins early, then there is high chance to get more profit since the program is so young and is growing much more faster.
Let’s See ZarFund Payment Proof
Furthermore, Zarfund program is so much viral that their scam chances are almost zero or prettylow because the company gets profit when lots of members join the program , and if the company is getting profit then there is no reason to scam.
Not to Mention : ZarFund is a Low-risk program posses both up and downs but you’ll less likely to loose your investment ($18) here if you gather more referrals.
How does Zarfund program actually works ?
At first, ZarFund members voluntarily pays their referral in form of donation to participate in this program i.e invited persons actually pays to their referral and the program is full of referring sytem filled with 6 level stage per month.
Since all the transaction system ( donating and receiving) is done via Bitcoin – a digital crytocurrency so you must own a Bitcoin wallet (like Blockchain) where you can receive and collect your funds.
As the matter of fact, Zarfund matrix program model is forced to 2×6 structure, which works only with Bitcoins.
Bitcoin is an innovative open source payment network which uses peer-to-peer technology to operate in public where central authority or banks have controls over it because nobody owns bitcoin though anyone can take part.
Here, I’ve given the simple steps for you to learn how to participate at Zarfund and activate your account.
Before joining, you should have Bitcoin Wallet from Blockchain.info with balance atleast 0.031 because some amount of deduced as a transaction fee.
How to join Zarfund Program ?
1. First, sign up at link below to join our team. (With the link below you are eligible to get more referral incase there’s Spillover )
Sign Up & Earn Bitcoins
2. Now, you need to send the donation of atleast 0.03 to your upline’s Bitcoin wallet (If you join with our link we’ll help you as being responsible Sponser).
You can find all the information about your sponsor (along with Bitcoin address) in the first Step on the Upgrade page.
3. Now, you need to “Prove” that you’ve really sent the money to your sponsor. Then provide the Hash ID of the transaction from the Step 1. In order to find that Hash ID, proceed as follows:
An Overview of Zarfund Program
Status: Paying
Payment Processors: Bitcoin
Minimum Deposit: 0.03 BTC
Minimum Withdrawal: 0.03 BTC
Category: Matrix, Low-Risk, Ponzi
Referral Commission: 100%
Moneyback Guarrantee: No
Moreover, the Zarfund has been a great program who wants to get revenue shares from your own referred members and when you keep growing your network you can achieve the goal of 128 BTC (worth $78000 USD).
Sign Up & Earn Bitcoins
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We have a Skype group separately only for zarfund. Add me on Skype I will add u in the group ashish94122