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150 = 2mins & 30secsCode:<meta content='150' http-equiv='refresh'/>
Refresh your blogger every secs/mins depend on you.
150 means, the blog will refresh every 2mins & 30secs
1) Log In to your Blogger Site with Your Google Account
2) Go to "Design" > "EDIT HTML"
3) Search this Code (by pressing CTRL+F) "</head>"
4) Place the following code under the code </head>
Last edited by Pinoy; 08-04-2015 at 10:58 AM. Reason: Request by Moderator
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I know you just want to contribute and thank you for that.
But next time pls. elaborate it, not just to increase post count. Remember, you can see a lot of Mod's here most of the time online.
anyway, this thread of yours will be on @Jeshua's decision.
Again, Thank you and welcome to the community.
Well, This could be used to force visitors to refresh to increase your CPM (same visit, 2 hits -- considered as internal visit or revisit)
Might be helpful for your SEO (not sure tho)
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Dont think it will be good for seo? Refresh = no unique visitor? Much requests in short time...dunno...But you should enter this code after your page is validated by a service ^^
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I don't think so, if it is truly refreshing, without changing ip or deleting cookies, it is still the same session. also even if it is counted as unique which blogger does most of the time, for the seo it will be quickly taken as spam because of the amount of requests in the amount of time. So no.
Still M̶o̶d̶e̶r̶a̶t̶i̶n̶g̶...
.//ban @user"Stay Low, go fast. Kill first, Die last. One shot, One kill. No luck, all Skill."
Well as everybody can see there is no benefit in this method alone.. so let me tell me you where actually you can use this method very well.....
1st Find a site on which ipflood extention work.
2nd iframe that site on blogger.
Then 3rd..apply this refresh trick on blogger and voila unique hits on the site
Note: multiple iframes gives you multiple hits.
What is the difficult part?Yes, there is...
1st Its is very hard to find a site on which ipflood works unless u are an expert.
2nd if you by any means found a site and doing my trick then google will ban your blogger account after some time. (But still it can be fixed).
TIP: Expand the idea in your own way..![]()
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