a. No Paid Search
b. No Advertising on Yahoo! Display Properties or Right Media Exchange including Stream Ads
c. No incentivized or path traffic
d. No direct linking through search
e. No trademark bidding
f. No SMS/Text
g. No sub-brokering the offer to other networks
h. PPV or Pop Traffic must use a presell LP
i. All creative requires approval from Instant Checkmate prior to use (using non-approved creative will result in non-payment on leads generated)
j. All email traffic must use approved from/subject lines that are not deceptive and are CAN-SPAM and abide by the California Business & Professions Code ? 17529
k. No Adwords Search Marketing allowed
l. United States only
Creative Conditions:
a. All Creatives, Landing Pages and Ads must be submitted for approval.
b. Landing pages must include the following disclaimer:
?"Reverse Phone Lookup will expose the legal name of the owner of any phone number. It also provides public information in addition to the name such as the location (city/state), service provider and more. Reverse Phone Lookup does not provide access to data, phone call history or text messages"
c. Cannot use false claims or representations including:
?False "as featured on" logos
?False testimonials
d. Cannot include or advertise the price of the $1 trial (or say it is free)
e. RPL ads cannot allude to text log access with the following copy or anything similar:
?It's like having access to their text logs"
?Just enter HIS number?
f. Failure to comply with conditions may result in loss of revenue and account termination.
Relax and calm your mind. Forget about yourself and follow your opponent's movement.
and the payout should be 999$