Hey guys.
So, I figured I would share the first monetization method on this forum (outside of Angeclub's methods,) so here goes nothing.
So we've all been that noob to CPA/PPD. Most of us know what it is, and for those that don't it stands for "Cost Per Action" or "Pay Per Download," (not to be confused with PPI [Pay Per Install.]) What if I told you you can make a LOT of money combining two methods that have NOTHING to do with each other and yet can make an awesome combination? That's what I'm about to do.
"To get this method, simply post here and PM me, and join under my 50 thousand ref links to earn pennies a day!" No. Just no.
So here's what you're going to do. You're going to need a small initial investment ($25 or heck, even $1-$5) and that's it and you'll be rolling. So now as all PPD/CPA methods go, you gotta find a niche. I don't have advise on finding a niche, and I usually just pay someone to come up with a huge long list of popular ones for me ($5 on Fiverr.) So let's say you've found your niche. Now, make a nice web design, you could use free hosting, paid hosting, a subdomain of a popular site (weebly, 00webhost, whatever,) or buy your own .com. I personally just buy my own .com because I can get them for free most times (through blackhat ways) or 99 cents on GoDaddy. Don't worry, this method isn't blackhat, at least I don't think it is.
Web design setup? Do you like it? That's good. I like to design it with Weebly and then steal their HTML and put it on my own site, because forget learning HTML. xD So is it something people would like? Does it look good? You need to ask yourself questions like this.
Let's say you're using that old "Unlock any Apple or Samsung device!" and you just have to put a survey locker upon click and bam, done. So now how do you get traffic? Forget SEO and all of that garbage, don't waste your time on one niche, get multiple niches going at the same time. So now let's get traffic, why not steal the old PPC method from affiliate marketing? Let's do that.
You're going to want to go to AdWords, AdCenter (I think that's what it's called, it's the place that puts ads on Yahoo and Bing,) something like that. Simply make an ad. Again, going with that unlock niche, let's say your ad looks something like this:
Now, just throw some money in there and get your ads going. I'm going to end this guide there, because I've only tested this on a small scale. One site, one ad, one locker.
Hope you guys enjoy, and I look forward to A2S prospering!
~ SWG.
Last edited by Angemon; 07-10-2014 at 10:33 AM.
Oh yep, stupid me forgot the most basic thing. While it hasn't been paid, here ya go. :P
http://i.imgur.com/tuz4fOP.png Best I can do remote accessing my comp. :P
I don't believe they'll ban me, as I obtained it in a way that doesn't break their rules. I went with Sharecash because I've gotten more leads with them, as they appear to have a quicker end than CPAGrip/Lead.
@SWGCryand, nice tutorial & good earning
keep the good work
also, would you please pm me you problem with attaching pictures
i can't see any issue