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  1. #1
    Wind Guardian Angemon's Avatar

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    [Hiring] AngeClub Reviewers - Get paid to review e-books

    Dear A2S members,
    We have been seeing a lot of requests about AngeClub e-books and what method is better to use? Members are willing to know about the methods before unlocking them, so they can decide which one to use. That's why , we're happy to announce today our new section >> The AngeClub Reviews . In this section , you will find reviews about all the e-books that are listed in the AngeClub section (bots reviews will be posted later).
    For that we have created a new usergroup >> Reviewer .
    Those selected members will be the only ones that can create reviews on that section, every AngeClub member who posted his e-book have to contact a reviewer in the next 48 hours to make a review for him by paying the reviewer 1 coin per e-book. It's a must for all the AngeClub members who get approved to share their e-books, otherwise their e-book will be deleted from the AngeClub section.
    The reviewer will have 24 hours to make the review , if the method included in the e-book may take more than 24 hours then he must write a fast review and keep updating it , all that without giving any spoiler about the method.
    The reviewers can't access the AngeClub section nor the private section , but they can read the e-books that they want to review by getting them from the original author. BUT , to help our reviewers to earn even more (other than getting e-books for FREE) , they will have a FREE 1 week AngeClub access, so they can sell their earned coins , also they can unlock the other e-books that have been already reviewed by the other Reviewers.

    AngeClub Reviews:
    - Reviews of all the AngeClub e-books.
    - Accessible to all members.
    - Managed by Reviewers.

    - Manager of AngeClub reviews.
    - Free 1 week AngeClub access every month.(first week of each month)
    - Get paid to review e-books.
    - Colored username Reviewer
    - Cool userbar .
    - PM storage up to 1400

    Since this is a new usergroup , we're hiring Reviewers. The only good reviewer I have personally known is @KidRock , that's why he got promoted to admin, then he got lazy . Well to apply for the Reviewer spots , you will be getting 3 e-books and you need to write reviews in the next 24 hours, and then you should pm me and @KidRock so we can decide who get the tags. For now we will be selecting 4 Reviewers.

    - Fluent English.
    - Online daily.
    - Make a review in less than 24 hours.
    - Can do at least 2 reviews at the same time (if he get 2 orders , he need to deliver both in 24 hours).
    - Need to update his reviews in case the method take more than 24 hours for results.

    - Avoid spoilers.
    - A complete description on what members can get from the e-book.
    - Rating points about Writing skills,Contents,Design,Easiness..etc
    - Need to be updated in case the method take more than 24 hours for results.

    Reply to this thread that you're interested , if you're trustworthy enough (active on the forum enough), you will be receiving a pm from me including the e-books that you need to review.

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    Last edited by Angemon; 08-27-2015 at 08:39 AM.

  2. #2
    Reviewer MintSauce's Avatar
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    Wow, seems interesting. I would like to try if possible.

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  3. #3
    Elite Member legendclaw24's Avatar

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    @Angemon I want to be a reviewer! Let me know if it's possible

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  4. #4
    Moderator BeyondZero's Avatar
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    @Angemon ... I'm not even mad that you called me lazy.. I will get my self together m8! :P But anyway, I am waiting for some reviews in my PM. Also if you dont have any experiance around this, but have a good language skills, this is a nice training, since I have learned a lot from it.
    So dont be shy, and give it at least a try!

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  5. #5
    私は正義です Ryuzaki's Avatar

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    We want our members to have a full idea about the e-books , so the review thread should contain more information about the methods ,for example if you're talking about spoof ref , you need to include keywords like: using this e-book will save you a lot of cash , you don't have to waste your money buying search engine traffic , you will be getting Google traffic for free which can help you to rank your website faster ..etc
    We have seen some application for Reviewers, and the problem is that most members have that sample of amazon reviews (fiverr reviews .etc) and think this is how reviews done
    when we said reviews , we meant the one you see in cellphone reviews , that means a full desctiption of the product, it's not that hard to discuss an e-book without giving spoilers , just avoid mentioning websites , softwares ...etc
    So again , if you are applying for Reviewer , please make sure you write a full description about the e-book and then you include the rating part (generally what members think it's a review).

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  6. #6
    Reviewer Nokutisu's Avatar
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    I can definitely do this. Hit me up @Angemon. @KidRock :P

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  7. #7
    Member Co0oL's Avatar
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    ayy good luck for everyone.
    I would've applied if I wasn't so busy IRL and that stuff..

    Something to say.

    This isn't some easy job, Trying those ebooks could eat up your free time, I remember the small ebook I made (ayy,lmao)

    It was pretty simple to do the trick and it took 2 days to get reviewed.

    -- The advice: Some tricks/tips/methods might sound very easy to perform to perform/set-up/use for you but for others might take a while.

    It all depends on the knowledge you know on the online earning.

    Best of luck for everyone!

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  8. #8
    Wind Guardian Angemon's Avatar

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    2 more spots available , don't waste this chance.

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  9. #9
    Elite Member onsali20's Avatar
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    I think I might be the man for the job here, love writing reviews and not much to moderate these days, So let me know @Angemon

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    Last edited by onsali20; 08-29-2015 at 12:18 PM.
    Still M̶o̶d̶e̶r̶a̶t̶i̶n̶g̶...
    .//ban @user
    "Stay Low, go fast. Kill first, Die last. One shot, One kill. No luck, all Skill."

  10. #10
    Wind Guardian Angemon's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by onsali20 View Post
    I think I might be the man for the job here, love writing reviews and not much to moderate these days, So let me know @Angemon
    that just prove that you're not serious , since when you applied to the mod spot you agreed that you will be managing and helping and now you're giving away your mod tag just to get into another group to look unique or something , if you only haven't said "not much to moderate" I may take your request , but I start doubting your legality. look at @Nokutisu , he is a mod , VIP and now a reviewer.

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