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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
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    Cool [FULL METHOD] how to singup for mindsumo and where to get .edu email

    First go here https://eims.maricopa.edu/MAW/MAW.html
    If you can't access this site, you will need to use a US proxy to access it.

    Choose I am a new student and have never attended any Maricopa Community College or Skill Centers then enter the code below and click next.

    Now you need to go to 403 Forbidden and log in with your Gmail to get SSN and name ...

    Then complete the form and save your information for later use ( MEID and password ).

    After that you need to wait 20 min or up to 2 or 3 hour until you can log in to my.maricopa.edu student center.
    When you can log in to the Maricopa student center, click admissions and admit to any college.

    Then wait another 20 min and log in to your edu email at https://google.maricopa.edu.

    Now you have a .edu email so that now you can signup to mindsumo.com
    Please use the code GET5$ to get extra 5$ in your account

    Now as you have signedup to mindsumo with GET5$ code you have $35 in your account. Now do the following to make more.

    1)link your linkedin account and get 5$ (or complete your profile to 85$) now you have 40$
    2)Click on the Ambassador in reward or tasks page and get 10$ extra. (now u have 50)
    3) complete any 1 challenge it doesnt matter what you write but write it such that it looks legit. u will get 25$ so u now have 75$
    4) answer some puzzles to get 10$ extra (its random) wait for some time b4 submitting the answers to make it legit.
    5) invite friend and get 1$ each and they get 5$
    Dont forget to use my code - GET5$
    here are the answers to all the puzzels
    #17 -- 529
    #16 88
    consult away--B
    laura-s-encyclopedias--- C
    i will be updating more amswer for the puzzels thanks
    Please use my code GET5$ to help and in return you would 5$ extra. i am on 95$ currently and update this with payment proof as soon as i get one

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  2. #2
    Join Date
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    not working anymore

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  3. #3
    Moderator Pikachu's Avatar

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    i tested it and it doesnt work, im gonna wait to see other user opinion, otherwise im gonna close the thread.

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  4. #4
    Coder Chillivanilli's Avatar

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    Maricopa mails and other free providers of .edu mails were banned after a few days from Mindsumo.


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