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  1. #1
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    Earn 1$ -500$ / day - 40th payment $100 + complete guide [1500$ cashout till now]

    Paidverts - Earn $10 a day without Referrals !!


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    Do you know Many peoples around you are earning over a $1000 per month Online from their Computer...

    Are You ??... If no then No Worry !

    Friends i have a trick.Today i will teach you how to earn not $1000 but $10 a day or $300 a month. Yes, you can earn this amount from your own computer. And the best part is that you do not have to invest even a single Dollar and you can earn $300 per month with your own effort, You also do not need even a Single Referral. The site name is Paidverts.

    So, What is Paidverts ??...

    PaidVerts is an advertising platform that pays you to interact with advertisers.
    Advertisers purchase ads in their system and Paidverts deliver those ads to your account every hour. In other words, Paidverts is a paid to click (PTC) website. But Remember Paidverts is not Like the regular ptc sites which you joins and click ads for less than a single pennies. It is totally different. Paidverts is fully loaded with a very very unique Script. That's why Paidverts got their 50000 members in less than a Month.

    In Paidverts you can earn money just by viewing ads. Yes i am not joking. You really can earn $10 a day or $300 a Month for just clicking some ads everyday. I know you won't believe me because no one can earn such a big amount just by clicking ads. For your Believe, Today me and some of my friends had taken some screenshots of their ads. Watch them below..

    40th payment from paidverts $+75

    39th payment from paidverts $+100


    14th payment from paidverts $67

    12th payment from paidverts $50

    11th payment from paidverts $23

    10th payment from paidverts $20


    non ref

    Screenshot ..:

    well well well
    i got this special from paidverts:

    45$ ads in one day

    9 july 2014

    picture of my ads (26 june 2014 - 50$ ):

    14 july 2014 (my ads)

    12 july 2014 (my ads = 11$)

    7 july 2014 (my ads)

    29 june ads value

    picture of my ads (24 june 2014):

    Paidverts is a part of My traffic value which is Stable and paying their members on time since 2010. So, don't even think that paidverts will scam you. Paidverts is Legit, Trusted and Paying their every members on time.

    By Reading this Post, I am sure every one want's to know the Strategy to earn More than $300 a month and Clicking such ads. That's why i had described the whole story below in FIVE Phases. Kindly read them Carefully...

    PHASE 1 (Registration) = Before starting out you must have to register an account at Paidverts. After Registration Log in your account and go to ‘Members Home Page’. Click activation ads and view all 8 activation ads. Each activation ad will give you 50 BAPs. You can get 8 activation ads daily in your account. Try to click all the ads every day. It will help you to earn much Money.


    non ref

    PHASE 2 (BAPs) = BAPs which is also known as Bonous Ad Points. BAP is a type of Paidverts currency which will help you to gain Paid ads. On the first day at paidverts you will only earn BAP not real cash. There is not so much difference between BAPs and Real cash. Each BAP is equal to $0.0005. You can only use BAPs to play casino games and can win some extra BAPs. You can’t use them for other purpose also you can not convert them to Money. But don’t worry, I have told you that Paidverts consists a very unique script. Your BAPs will be used by Paidverts to deliver you paid ads. For example, Today you have 1700 BAPs. Tomorrow when you log in your account you got a $0.10 ad. Then, you will see 200 BAPs has already been deducted from your account ($0.0005*200=$0.10). So, BAPs is the key to success in Paidverts. The more you accumulate – the Higher your earnings will be. Paidverts will deduct your BAPs and give you Paid ads each and everyday.

    PHASE 3 (Ads) = At Paidverts everyday you can see two type of ads. Activation ads and Paid ads. Activation ads will give you BAPs and Paid ads will give you Real cash. You will recieve paid ads but don't forget to click activation ads everyday. For example if you have 2000 BAPs in your account and if there is a $2 ad in circulation then you will not recieve that ad because you don't have enough BAPs which Paidverts will deduct. But if there is a $1 ad in circulation, then there is a chance that you might recieve that ad. Paid ads are recyling throughout the day. For example, if you logged in Today at 8 Am and clicked all available ads, after that when you again log in at 4 PM then you will see some more ads are available again to click. Try to log in your Paidverts account in every 12 hours. Activtion ads expires within 24 hrs. But remember You only have 18hrs to click paid ads because Paid ads expires in within 18 hours.

    PHASE 4 (Upgrading account) = Upgrading your account at paidverts will cost you only $0.05. Paidverts is not like other PTC sites where Upgrading account costs $20 a month or $800 per year. Upgrading your account at Paidverts will give you the priority to recieve Recycled ads. So, What is Recycled ads ?.. = Recycled ads are those ads which are not clicked by the member and got recycled.
    For example, there are two active members John and Sam. Both of them are active and click their ads every day and earning a lots of money. But today John goes on a Vacation and today he is not active at Paidvets. Today John and Sam both got 20 ads. Sam clicked all their ads because he is active today. But John is on Vacation and he didn't clicked any ads today. John ads will expire after 18 hours and gets recycled. So, that is called Recycled ads. Only Upgraded members recieves Recycled ads. In an average i am Reciving 8 to 12 Recycled ads Everyday.
    Upgrading will cost you $0.05 and 2500 BAPs. But don't worry only $0.05 will be deducted from your account not 2500 BAPs. But one thing you should remember that Your Upgraded membership can expire tomorrow or it can also be expired after a week. But before expiring it will deliver at least $1 worth of ads. Try to Notice one thing that Upgrading will cost you only $0.05 but it expires after delivering at least $1 worth of ads. Isn't Upgrading is much profitable.

    PHASE 5 (Bulk ad packs) = As I already told you. Paidverts is a Revolution in PTCs. Do you know purchasing ad packs at Paidverts is very very profitable ??... At other PTCs when you purchase any advertising package then it costs a large amount of money and also you won’t get any Good results. But it doesn’t happen at paidverts. Each Ad pack will cost you $1 and will give you these things Instantly :-

    #25 (728*90) banner impression
    #100 (125*125) banner impression
    #50 visits to your website
    #3100 Bonus Ad Points will be added to your account.

    Isn’t it looks much profitable ?.. With only $1 you will receive all those elements Instantly in your account with 3100 BAPs. Think a while, you purchased it with $1 and they delivers 3100 BAPs which is equal to $1.55 (3100*$0.0005=$1.55). So, I recommend you to purchase an ad pack as soon as your account reaches $1 because it is very much Profitable.

    Still One Thing You Should Have To Remember...
    Don't Forget to Do This...

    If you do this, You will be my Referral and you will recieve Recycled ads from Me..., So, Don't Forget..

    If you do this, You will be my Referral and you will recieve Recycled ads from Me..., So, Don't Forget..

    PHASE 6: buy super user upgrade:

    Mini Upgrades: $2.99 (508 users currently upgraded)
    These will deliver all 1% ads ranging in values from $0.01 to $0.49 each. Eg. You will get all the 1% ads from all ad purchases of $1-$49 made over the next 7days. (Shared between any other upgraded users)

    Mega Upgrades: $19.99 (61 users currently upgraded)
    These will deliver all 1% ads ranging in values from $0.50 and up! Eg. You will get all the 1% ads from all ad purchases of $50+ made over the next 7days. (Shared between any other upgraded users)

    Remember that at the Begining you will not earn much money, You should have Patience in You. At Paidverts everyday your Earning will Increase. The key to earn a huge Money in Paidverts is BAPs. The More BAPs you can collect, the Higher Your Earnings will be. Purchasing Ad packs is only the Best way to collect High Bonous Points. It will give you traffic as well as a large number of BAPs also. Think a while, if you cashout your earnings then the money will stay in your Paypal or payza accounts. But if you use that money in Purchasing ads you will recieve a full 55% Profit as BAPs.
    So, That's it. For what you are waiting for ? SIGN UP NOW and start Clicking For $$$.

    Please Don't forget to say Thanks


    non ref


    in brief :

    • Viewing up to 8 activation ads each day, each ads gives you 50BAP (0.2$ earning without compounding per day for FREE!)
    • Referring friends and completing milestones
    • Play games with your BAP to win BAP
    • Purchasing 1$ ad packs= You will also receive 3100 BAP(1.55$ worth)The ad visits are high quality.

    more BAP = more earning


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  2. #2
    Wind Guardian Angemon's Avatar

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    I've never used a PPC before , I did read all your thread , it looks promising (thanks for sharing), but if only I've the patience and the time to do such work ... for me I prefer outsourcing those kind of works , it makes me more money without wasting time, you just need some cash to begin with. Thanks again for the method

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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angemon View Post
    I've never used a PPC before , I did read all your thread , it looks promising (thanks for sharing), but if only I've the patience and the time to do such work ... for me I prefer outsourcing those kind of works , it makes me more money without wasting time, you just need some cash to begin with. Thanks again for the method
    i didnt get you mate
    you mean real job in outside of net?

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  4. #4
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    Nice earnings man but withought investment you only receive some cents .

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  5. #5
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    is it ponzi?

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  6. #6
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    yea it was one the best day earnings in paidverts

    i got 43$ ads today

    10th November - Daily News
    Todays PV Ad Issue:
    2,795,000+ bulk ad campaigns sold to date
    +$21,278.33 additional banner impressions
    +$2,938.46 cheap traffic ads
    +$5,326.16 solvemedia captcha revenues

    BAP Group …........ Percent (x100) …........ Dollar Value …......... Participants …......... Ads Per User

    100 to 1599 …............... 0 …............... 0 …............... 14164 …............... 0
    1600 to 12000 …............... 0.0375 …............... 4222.5 …............... 6634 …............... 0.6364938197
    12000 to 24000 …............... 0.025 …............... 2815 …............... 2634 …............... 1.0687167806
    24k to 48k …............... 0.05 …............... 5630 …............... 2381 …............... 2.3645527089
    48k to 96k …............... 0.07 …............... 7882 …............... 2155 …............... 3.6575406032
    96k to 180k …............... 0.085 …............... 9571 …............... 1689 …............... 5.6666666667
    180k to 360k …............... 0.09 …............... 10134 …............... 1339 …............... 7.568334578
    360k to 720k …............... 0.075 …............... 8445 …............... 751 …............... 11.2450066578
    720k to 1.5m …............... 0.085 …............... 9571 …............... 463 …............... 20.6717062635
    1.5m to 3m …............... 0.1 …............... 11260 …............... 258 …............... 43.6434108527
    3m to 6m …............... 0.09 …............... 10134 …............... 134 …............... 75.6268656716
    6m to 20m …............... 0.105 …............... 11823 …............... 77 …............... 153.5454545455
    20m+ …............... 0.075 …............... 8445 …............... 17 …............... 496.7647058824
    50m+ …............... 0.055 …............... 6193 …............... 6 …............... 1032.1666666667
    100m+ …............... 0.0575 …............... 6474.5 …............... 2 …............... 3237.25

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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by swper View Post
    is it ponzi?
    no its not mate

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  8. #8
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    any one guide me

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  9. #9
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    i just started a month ago, so far so good :3

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  10. #10
    Elite Member funaddaa's Avatar
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    i have 50k baps and buy mini update...........
    so far so good but small amount adds are too much and they consume my baps quickly...
    any tips @rapidleech

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