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Thread: [Adsense]get max revenue

  1. #1
    Elite Member fedi96's Avatar

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    [Adsense]get max revenue

    hi all a2s mambers

    So today i've new method to get max revenue from adsense , this method fully based on ads , just we need to filtre ads ( block and allow ads )

    1st open you account
    • Allow & block ads
    • Ad network
    • Block preference
    • Block all network

    2nd after blocking all
    try to search and find this network , then allow them

    Network list :

    HTML Code:
    Accuen DE w/AppNexus
    Accuen DE w/ MediaMath
    Accuen DE w/ Invite Media
    Accuen (FR) w/DBM
    Accuen UK w/ Videology
    Accuen UK w/ MediaMath
    Accuen UK w/ AppNexus
    Accuen NL w/Invite (Legacy)
    Accuen FR w/ AppNexus
    Ad Pepper (DE)
    Adform (UK)
    Adconion (US)
    Adconion (FR)
    Affiperf-Videology US
    Affiperf-Videlogy Latam US$
    AudienceScience (UK)
    AOL: Advertising.com (US)
    AOL: Advertising.com (UK)
    Bannerconnect (US)
    Criteo (US)
    Criteo (UK)
    Crimtan (US)
    DataLab USA
    Digitize/Medialink - US Account
    Digital Media DE
    Dentsu: Innovation Interactive: Netmining: UK (Pounds)
    Dentsu: Innovation Interactive: Netmining US1
    Efficient Frontier (US)
    Exponential: Tribal Fusion (FR)
    Future US
    FreakOut (US)
    HTTPool AN US
    HUNT Mobile Ads (US)
    Infectious Media - US
    Ligatus DE
    Mexad (US)
    Melt DSP (US)
    MediaMind (US)
    MediaMath, on behalf of eBay (DE)
    Mediacom North (UK)
    Mindshare (DE)
    Online Media Solutions - US
    Omnicom Media Group w/ MediaMath (DK)
    RadiumOne (UK)
    RadiumOne (FR)
    PulsePoint (UK)
    Schibsted w/AppNexus USD
    StrikeAd (US)
    StartMeApp (US)
    StartMeApp (UK)
    Specific Media UK
    Videology, on behalf of VivaKi (UK)
    Videology (UK)
    Xaxis (FR)
    Vizury (US)
    VivaKi US w/ Turn for AOD UK
    YOC (US)
    YOC (UK)
    Xaxis w/ Videology (UK)
    these are the best network with the top cpm and cpc

    finaly this method is allowed by google adsense
    enjoy it

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  2. #2
    Wind Guardian Angemon's Avatar

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    blocking website to earn on adsense is the BIGGEST lie bloggers told others so they can earn more on adsense , if you search on the internet you will see a lot of blogs talk about that , and teach you that (if you're my competitor , and you get the same amount of visits as me , then you block networks from your ads, then I will get more bids , that means I will earn more).You need to know first how Adsense ads works, it's related to Adwords , that means it's about bids , so you are here blocking websites that may give more bids (that will increase your earning) and get stuck with a limit websites (in other blogs , they even ask you to blog bing & facebook ads O.o), so instead of getting 10.000 bids on the ads , you will just get 100 bids , and you think you will be earning more. Don't take it personally , but I hate when someone share a method that he saw somewhere else and without even analyzing it , don't get fooled by those bloggers , and trust me this method is just a big lie.

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  3. #3
    Elite Member onsali20's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angemon View Post
    blocking website to earn on adsense is the BIGGEST lie bloggers told others so they can earn more on adsense , if you search on the internet you will see a lot of blogs talk about that , and teach you that (if you're my competitor , and you get the same amount of visits as me , then you block networks from your ads, then I will get more bids , that means I will earn more).You need to know first how Adsense ads works, it's related to Adwords , that means it's about bids , so you are here blocking websites that may give more bids (that will increase your earning) and get stuck with a limit websites (in other blogs , they even ask you to blog bing & facebook ads O.o), so instead of getting 10.000 bids on the ads , you will just get 100 bids , and you think you will be earning more. Don't take it personally , but I hate when someone share a method that he saw somewhere else and without even analyzing it , don't get fooled by those bloggers , and trust me this method is just a big lie.
    Agreed. my cousin taught me about this bid system once

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    Still M̶o̶d̶e̶r̶a̶t̶i̶n̶g̶...
    .//ban @user
    "Stay Low, go fast. Kill first, Die last. One shot, One kill. No luck, all Skill."

  4. #4
    Elite Member fedi96's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Angemon View Post
    blocking website to earn on adsense is the BIGGEST lie bloggers told others so they can earn more on adsense , if you search on the internet you will see a lot of blogs talk about that , and teach you that (if you're my competitor , and you get the same amount of visits as me , then you block networks from your ads, then I will get more bids , that means I will earn more).You need to know first how Adsense ads works, it's related to Adwords , that means it's about bids , so you are here blocking websites that may give more bids (that will increase your earning) and get stuck with a limit websites (in other blogs , they even ask you to blog bing & facebook ads O.o), so instead of getting 10.000 bids on the ads , you will just get 100 bids , and you think you will be earning more. Don't take it personally , but I hate when someone share a method that he saw somewhere else and without even analyzing it , don't get fooled by those bloggers , and trust me this method is just a big lie.
    thanks @Angemon , i don't know about this , but i should test this method for sme time

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  5. #5
    Moderator Pikachu's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by fedi96 View Post
    thanks @Angemon , i don't know about this , but i should test this method for sme time
    Well if you have blot it's worth it to get higher earning

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  6. #6
    Elite Member fedi96's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pikachu View Post
    Well if you have blot it's worth it to get higher earning

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  7. #7
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    today is a good day

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  8. #8
    Member arodevelop's Avatar
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    thanks i will try this for more revenue

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  9. #9
    Elite Member Einhver's Avatar
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    "Trust me this method is just a big lie" -Angemon
    Copy that

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    So many paths to choose.

  10. #10
    Moderator Pikachu's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by fedi96 View Post
    I meant blog

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