Hey A2S,
So iv decided to enhance my eBook writing skills.
So naturally.
I wrote a Free eBook! ha ha.
And plan to release a new method at least once a week!
Anyway, this method does require an investment to earn the advertised method BUT CAN BE DONE COMPLETELY FREE!
This investment is one time! After that, Your earnings will take care of it!
The investment is about 50$ for everything! BUT 2 out of the three methods can be used alone. the third method combines the first two.
These methods do not contain E-whoring, cpa, ppi, ppd, leads dependency, or even that much work.
what it does contain/require:
Computer must run 24/7 ALL VPS users must vpn the vps back to their home connection other wise they will be banned!
1 bot <-- supplied in the eBook
DBC account (part of the investment)
You to check your computer every now and then. 2-5 hours
15 minutes of work max! (after set up)
30 minute set up max!
Download link:
I am in the middle of writing a follow up eBook to this method (working out the kinks right now).
This should earn at least an extra 50$ a month but i haven't finished my month off yet.
This second Ebook will contain at least two methods (what i have so far, may add another or create another eBook undecided). I will comment a link when it is ready!