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Hello everyone,
I'm a newbie on that forum my name is med ^^, I am 21 years old.
I started my career as a web developer since 2012 and i learned multiple programming languages...
And i tried multiple domains on the internet marketing such as adsense working as a freelancer on upwork and fiverr...
And right now i have multiple autopilot websites that i monetise using adsense and cpa..., right now i can make up to +3k$ a month passive income from adsense and mobidea and proplerads using push notifications...
I know that amount of income is very weak for someone who has spent more than +7 years on this industry, because like you know I'm on a third world country and the English isn't my native language, so I spend a lot of time on reading English books and watching tutorials on youtube&udemy to improve my English, and also I learned a lot of things and a lot of experiences in multiple domains such as SEO/WEB SECURITY/WEB Design/Web Developing/Streaming Websites...
Like i said i spent more than 7 years on this industry, and i don't regret all that time that i spent, right now i feel that i'm someone experienced and who has a big knowledges and experiences and who can understand how multiple things work on their background, someone who can create his own tools and ideas from scratch...
What I'm looking for right now is to move my career to the next level and this why i registered on that forum, to meet some experienced persons who made it and who was on the same phase as me before...
My goal is to share my knowledges and my programming experiences and in exchange of otthers, and I'm sure we will find multiple ways to collaborate together.
So what are your advises for me to boost my revenues and to move my business to the next level ? Which domain do you suggest to me ? Which books and courses do you suggest to me ? And which strategies I should adopt ?
I'm sure one day i will make it like many of you did it ^^.
I will be very patient to hear from you guysSimilar Threads:
Welcome to our community @medosla , you have such a fascinating experience and it's really nice to meet someone like you
My question : have you tried domaining before ? Have you tried creating bots for wesbites ?
Welcome again
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Hi welcome Med, do you promote your content to generate adsense revenues or you get free traffic ?