Dear A2S members,
I've been using this simple method for a while to get VPNs and may be some of you already know about it , but I need to share it with you because we will need it for our next money methods, also I found it very usefull to unlock some websites, so I'm pretty sure you will like it. Why I prefer this method ? because I can use it for some autotasks (using DoItAgain software ) since it's pretty easy to do.
First you need to go to this website
fill the information & click Get (for email type anything , they don't verify) , the username and the password are needed to connect to the VPN
now you can see that you have successfully registered by getting this page
now to use the VPN on Windows (windows 8 in this tutorial)
first go to Network and Sharing Center & click on set up a new connection
then click connect to a workplace
then click Create a new connection & click next
Choose VPN
in internet address type: "frootvpn.com" (or "se-vpn.frootvpn.com" if the first one didn't work) & click Create
now try to connect to that VPN using your username & password
you can see that you're successfully connecting using the VPN
you can get new IP just by disconnecting then connecting back
I hope you enjoy this guide