It's pretty simple and easy, Pointing a domain to a VPS using cloudflare, The manual way is pretty complicated and honestly, I never tried the manual way xD
After finishing this tutorial, If you still can't manage to get the job done, Just pm me
You will need an account on CloudFlare.
- Login to your CloudFlare account
- In the top list, You should find 'Add site' ( Picture ) Click it.
- Now, You will be asked to enter the domain, For me, I'm using Co0oltbn.tk
It will be scanned and done within few seconds/mins.
- Once done, A button should show and say 'Continue Setup', Click it.
- Now, You will be asked to enter DNS Records, Check the picture below.
1- This is CloudFlare optimization, If you press it, It should turn into a Yellow Cloud, This means that your host will be optimized by cloudflare to gain faster performance.
2- is your server IP
3- This is your name points.
Still didn't get it ? Check this spoiler
- Then press, 'Continue'
- You will be asked to select your plan, For meh, I'm using Free plan.
- Now, it should give you 2 Nameservers, Keep them and go to your domain provider.
For me, It's freenom. (picture)
- Now selelct Nameservers and if it asks you to choose between 'default' and 'custom'
choose custom and enter the nameservers given from Cloudflare. (Picture)
- Then click change nameservers.
Now, It should take from 1 hour to 24 hours to update the nameservers for it to be useable.
Output: http://co0oltbn.tk
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