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Thread: A guide to Cracking.

  1. #1
    Member Doekoe's Avatar
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    A guide to Cracking.

    The Main Principle of Cracking

    One difficult to grasp fact new crackers come to find out is that cracking a particular account is usually difficult. Understanding this fact is a key step in becoming a successful cracker. There's great success in numbers. The more user accounts you have to try and crack, the more likely you'll have success. The reason behind this is simple and logical. If you have a pair of dice, and need to roll snake eyes(two ones), the more tries you have, the better the chance of success.

    The main principle of cracking is trying as many valid users(will be covered later) as possible. Despite what others may think, have 10,000 user accounts to try and crack is a much better scenario than having 3 user accounts and 10,000 passwords.

    Internet Dumb Users

    Most people on the Internet do not take security seriously. There is a misconceived notion about the Internet that it's secure and anonymous. This lack of concern leads to guessable and common passwords. Patterns, common words, and common names are usually likely passwords. These are usually chosen by these users because they're easy to remember. Another common lapse in judgment is the fact that these users usually use the same password for all things they have a password for; bank or credit card accounts, E-Mail accounts, and pretty much anything else you can imagine.

    All About Passwords

    Choosing passwords to crack with is a critical of your success. Using "tert34g" as a password to crack with is not a good idea. Yeah, there's some small chance that you may achieve one successful attempt with it, but it's a waste of time.

    Think about it. What do most people have in common? Names, favorite foods, favorite animals, favorite sports teams, favorite colors, etc. Instead of relying on preexisting password lists, try creating your own. Why? Things change. What was popular last year is no longer popular. MySpace as a password was logical two years ago. Now, most people haven't logged into their MySpace in months. Your unique ideas may provide you great success. Think about what's popular now... Justin Bieber, Obama, or the Miami heat. I bet you never thought of "heat" as a password.

    Selective passwords are what I call passwords that are applicable only to a single website. If you're attempting to crack Facebook accounts, passwords like facebook, Facebook, or FACEBOOK are likely to be successful. If you'd like to go further, go into why people use Facebook. You can logically come to the conclusion that people use it for friends, buddies, etc. Those are logical passwords. The web site's name is one of the most common passwords used by users because it's easy to remember, and that same logic applies to every site they have an account with.

    Passwords are usually lazy. Most people are too lazy to put any effort into a password, so people will rarely capitalize a password. Any part of the password. Usually, passwords cased like Michelle are rarely successful. The extra motion needed to reach the shift key is usually not a desirable motion for most users. Lowercase passwords are by far the most popular. Uppercase passwords like PASSWORD follow in second, and "properly" cased passwords like "Password" are third.

    Name as password = success. One of the most successful method for cracking is using the user name as a password. Bobby's password is possibly bobby, and Janet's is likely to be janet. You can go further, and remove numbers with some programs. Bobby1945's password is possibly bobby, or even boby1945. Again, laziness. Most programs support the use of user name as password, and can remove the letters or numbers from the password for added control.

    Lets get to the fun part!

    So now you know the main principle of cracking and you want to crack accounts. You can do this with Sentry MBA, Dictionary attacks, Bruteforcing and Crackers. I am going to tell you about the Cracker, since that's the easiest way to crack accounts. A Cracker is a program coded by people, where you can crack accounts with a combolist and a proxylist. To get one of those crackers you can either buy it or download a cracked version. I personally bought one, so i can't share it even if i wanted it. But no worries i have couple of links that can provide you some crackers:

    This is a hacking forum where you buy crackers. They provide very good crackers, i even bought mine from there.
    Click me! - Adf.ly link
    Click me! - Normal link

    This is also a hacking forum, but on this site they provide you the cracked version of programs, which is completely free, but not entirely save. It's possible that they can put a backdoor in the program that they crack. So be careful when downloading something, always do a virusscan.
    Click me! - Adf.ly link
    Click me! - Normal link

    Combo and proxylist

    It is important that you have a combo and a proxylist when you want to crack accounts, using a cracker. A combolist is a list, which includes, username/e-mail and password. A proxylist includes a list of proxies. (duh) It's essential to have those, because otherwhise you won't be able to crack any accounts.
    Here is a free combolist:

    Click me!

    Fortunately i don't have a proxylist. You can search around in the forums i posted above. They usually have a lot and they provide them daily. If you're lucky, some crackers have their own proxy grabber. After you have everything, you're all set! You just upload the combo and proxylist, choose what account you want to crack and watch how the accounts roll in! It's really that easy.


    Thank you for reading my guide on Cracking. I hope i provided you enough information, if i didn't please tell me what i missed and i'll add it. If you have any questions you can always PM me and i will respond as soon as possible.

    The names of the link are a little different, but they all work.

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    Last edited by Doekoe; 03-17-2015 at 11:35 AM.

  2. #2
    Elite Member onsali20's Avatar
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    Nice thread, most links are not working But if anyone needs help can also ask me!

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  3. #3
    Member Doekoe's Avatar
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    Which links aren't working? They're all working for me.

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  4. #4
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    ive tried cracking on a few different programs that were cracked, had a huge new proxies list and a combo list, it works for like 10 logins but after that i get errors, only getting errors means i wouldnt get a chance in hell in getting a account. also looked everywhere on how to fix it and there is no solution at all (they were called 440error or something not exactly). thats why i might just have to stop trying ;( if you crack you should know what i mean

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  5. #5
    Moderator Pikachu's Avatar

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    @Doekoe can you help?

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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by onsali20 View Post
    Nice thread, most links are not working But if anyone needs help can also ask me!
    do you crack??

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  7. #7
    Elite Member onsali20's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ussagui View Post
    do you crack??
    Yeah, Why?

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    Member Yusan's Avatar
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    Thank you, Mate...
    i think someday i will need this...

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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by onsali20 View Post
    Yeah, Why?
    can you crack it?
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  10. #10
    Elite Member onsali20's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ussagui View Post
    I dont really know software cracking :/ sorry mate

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