this is a free proxie leaeher, it will require you have your own
list of urls to scrape proxies from.
Code: - grabber.rar
VT scan

step 1 open up the leecher

step 2 click the file tab top left and select option
import, point and click on your list to have it imported
into the url leecher

now your list is in the leecher - hit the green icon arrow >
to begin leeching your proxies from the urls

once the list is leeched right click on any of the proxies and
hit save - this will save your proxies in a txt file to your tesk top
then test them in your regular proxie tool.

finally i would advise if you
want to filter any junk proxie ports from your list download my
version of charon proxy tester - load in your list and it will auto
remove 99% of junk proxies only leaving the most common proxies
on the most commonly used proxie ports ...