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  1. #1
    Member xyzabc's Avatar
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    My Suggestions For A2S.in ....... :)

    A2S is looking a great forum which I hope would go a long way. It is also the first new forum which enticed me to buy a premium membership. Otherwise I buy premiums only of well established and old forums.

    Then a few things I would like to point out. Not necessarily you need to change everything , these might be my own opinion.

    1. The long longer and longest avatars make it very difficult to browse the comments. I have to scroll a lot to read just a few comments. If we can limit or resize or do something about those looooong avatars.

    2. The forum is looking really messy in the front page as of now, specially because of too many things like the notices, latest threads,chatbox, top 10 threads and all.

    3. We need serious moderation to update on the methods once they stop working because that is what will make this forum different. Otherwise there are lot of forums filled of not working methods.

    Apart from this I guess this forum will be huge success reason being the admin angemon seems too intelligent as has made many good quality methods by him. Would be looking for more from him

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  2. #2
    Coder Chillivanilli's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by xyzabc View Post
    A2S is looking a great forum which I hope would go a long way. It is also the first new forum which enticed me to buy a premium membership. Otherwise I buy premiums only of well established and old forums.

    Then a few things I would like to point out. Not necessarily you need to change everything , these might be my own opinion.

    1. The long longer and longest avatars make it very difficult to browse the comments. I have to scroll a lot to read just a few comments. If we can limit or resize or do something about those looooong avatars.

    2. The forum is looking really messy in the front page as of now, specially because of too many things like the notices, latest threads,chatbox, top 10 threads and all.

    3. We need serious moderation to update on the methods once they stop working because that is what will make this forum different. Otherwise there are lot of forums filled of not working methods.

    Apart from this I guess this forum will be huge success reason being the admin angemon seems too intelligent as has made many good quality methods by him. Would be looking for more from him
    At first, thank you for your feedback, we like to get feedback and take every feedback serious. That's the only way to get better and better.

    1. What screen solution do you have? I got full hd (1920 x 1080) and i dont have any problems with scroll down the threads etc.
    Maybe there is a big difference if you have a lower screen solution than this.

    2. I agree with you in the part that the "Deals" and "Latest Threads" boxes on the right side are not necessary.
    But the rest, for my part, i find quite useful.

    3. You are absolutely right about that and we need to find a way for that but it is pretty hard.
    In case of the AngeClub eBooks it's very hard to moderate them because if we give moderators the task to check if the methods are working or not, you have a wildcard as a moderator and can download anything without spending AngeCoins.
    For that reason only the admins can see the content without spending coins.
    But we don't have time to check every method after it is posted for its working status.
    Also some methods can't be checked right away. Some need some work and effort.

    You see it's not that easy to moderate all the things, so in most cases we need the users themselves to check if a method is still working or not. If a person post that a method is not working anymore we can close the Thread or move it.

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