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  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angemon View Post
    Hello , we already have reviewers on a2s , please check
    Yes I saw that. As I said in the private message I sent you, many of your reviews are written in another language. For your reviews that were written in English, many of those reviews contain serious grammatical errors in the reviews you received. It's clear that almost all of the reviews were not written by native English speakers. My offer was to provide you with well written reviews, written by myself, a native English speaker. Having well written reviews, written by a native English speaker, can greatly increase your sales. If you would have an interest in that let me know.

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  2. #12
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    So your first course doesn't work properly and the second course can't work unless we purchase the first course too? Why not just make both courses one course so that people don't have to buy two courses to be successful with the method? It seems like a scam if people can't be successful by purchasing just one of the courses. Why do you make people purchase two courses to be successful? I don't think Udemy would allow these types of business practices if they realized you were doing this.

    Quote Originally Posted by Angemon View Post
    No , unfortunately you cannot

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  3. #13
    Wind Guardian Angemon's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by heatherw View Post
    So your first course doesn't work properly and the second course can't work unless we purchase the first course too? Why not just make both courses one course so that people don't have to buy two courses to be successful with the method? It seems like a scam if people can't be successful by purchasing just one of the courses. Why do you make people purchase two courses to be successful? I don't think Udemy would allow these types of business practices if they realized you were doing this.
    Please don't enroll my course or get my ebook. No one is forcing your to do that. The first course work fine and I'm still using it , the second course is for people who want to use wordpress instead of the custom PHP files. I have made the second course for those students who are already making money with first course and want to use the second script to get a unique design and also trying to increase their CPC for better earning. Please stop making assumptions since you don't have the course. You're new here , I have been doing this for years ok. We are not going to give you access to the course for FREE , and if you continue spaming on my threads like this , your account will get banned. Again please don't enroll my course and go search somewhere else. Thank you

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  4. #14
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    Thank you for answering my questions. I am only trying to figure out which course to purchase so that I make the right decision. So I can buy the first course and be successful with it? Please do not be so angry with me. I am a newbie to internet marketing. Maybe there was a time in your online business career when you were also a newbie and asked questions that sounded annoying to others. I am not trying to annoy you I am only trying to decide which of your products I should purchase so that I can be successful like you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Angemon View Post
    Please don't enroll my course or get my ebook. No one is forcing your to do that. The first course work fine and I'm still using it , the second course is for people who want to use wordpress instead of the custom PHP files. I have made the second course for those students who are already making money with first course and want to use the second script to get a unique design and also trying to increase their CPC for better earning. Please stop making assumptions since you don't have the course. You're new here , I have been doing this for years ok. We are not going to give you access to the course for FREE , and if you continue spaming on my threads like this , your account will get banned. Again please don't enroll my course and go search somewhere else. Thank you

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    Last edited by heatherw; 04-29-2018 at 05:08 PM.

  5. #15
    Wind Guardian Angemon's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by heatherw View Post
    Thank you for answering my questions. I am only trying to figure out which course to purchase so that I make the right decision. So I can buy the first course and be successful with it? Please do not be so angry with me. I am a newbie to internet marketing. Maybe there was a time in your online business career when you were also a newbie and asked questions that sounded annoying to others. I am not trying to annoy you I am only trying to decide which of your products I should purchase so that I can be successful like you.
    I'm not angry because you're asking many questions ,I'm mad because you're not respecting me at all saying that I'm trying to scam people ..etc , I'm the owner of this forum, I have made A2S this way (angecoins system) just to help members learn without spending money (try to read mentioned threads to understand more about our system). And to answer your question , the first course on udemy is all you need , the second course is just something my students asked me to make for them to improve their earning. And if you're a newbie I recommend you to spend more time on a2s.in/methods/ which is free to access.

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  6. #16
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    Thank you. I am sorry you got mad. I was only trying to decide which purchase would be best since there are two versions being sold on Udemy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Angemon View Post
    I'm not angry because you're asking many questions ,I'm mad because you're not respecting me at all saying that I'm trying to scam people ..etc , I'm the owner of this forum, I have made A2S this way (angecoins system) just to help members learn without spending money (try to read mentioned threads to understand more about our system). And to answer your question , the first course on udemy is all you need , the second course is just something my students asked me to make for them to improve their earning. And if you're a newbie I recommend you to spend more time on a2s.in/methods/ which is free to access.

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  7. #17
    Moderator yipman's Avatar
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    i Just bought the course

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    Relax and calm your mind. Forget about yourself and follow your opponent's movement.

  8. #18
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  9. #19
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    thank you for everything mr

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  10. #20
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    Thank you for this course

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