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  1. #1
    Elite Member fedi96's Avatar

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    Youtube : goodbye to its "301+ views"

    hi all a2ss

    "We're saying goodbye to 301+ and hello to more up-to-date video views." with this tweet YouTube is launching a completely new strategy in how it calculates when its videos go viral. so video , now , will be updated at real time .

    this is the tweet : https://twitter.com/ytcreators/statu...58720953819136

    btw i want to ask you members isn't a good news ?

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    Last edited by fedi96; 08-06-2015 at 03:04 PM.

  2. #2
    Coder Chillivanilli's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by fedi96 View Post
    hi all a2ss

    "We're saying goodbye to 301+ and hello to more up-to-date video views." with this tweet YouTube is launching a completely new strategy in how it calculates when its videos go viral. so video , now , will be updated at real time .

    this is the tweet : https://twitter.com/ytcreators/statu...58720953819136

    btw i want to ask you members isn't a good news ?
    I dont know much about YouTube stuff, but isnt it the same? Before they have checked the views and if the views were real they verified it and then the views got displayed, if not you only get 301+ views. Now if you are getting views, you directly get the views, but YouTube will check them in the background, so if the views come from bots or traffic exchanges etc. the views got removed.
    If you are monetizing with YouTube you still need legit views.

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  3. #3
    Elite Member onsali20's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chillivanilli View Post
    I dont know much about YouTube stuff, but isnt it the same? Before they have checked the views and if the views were real they verified it and then the views got displayed, if not you only get 301+ views. Now if you are getting views, you directly get the views, but YouTube will check them in the background, so if the views come from bots or traffic exchanges etc. the views got removed.
    If you are monetizing with YouTube you still need legit views.
    That is half true, hitleap will still work with the premium one and spoof ref too thanks to @Angemon No, before the views got counted up to 301plus all including real or fake, and if fake views even if 21 fake views, it will get stuck there.

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