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i hope it will be uptade
Nope, you are wrong. I did not found a way to solve those captchas for now. I tried to solve it some weeks ago at addmefast, because they are using this image rotation captcha plugin, too, and i think it cannot be solved automaticly because the angle on which the image is rotated and which is needed for the answer is given serverside.
No upgrade for this, sorry
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Hi, can't you do that the bot opens a pop up with the captcha for us to solve manually? At least you could use it if you are using your computer.
As far as I know, making a lot of clicks is only important for the hall of fame, and that doesn't give many warcoins.
The really important thing is making level 5 for the item that multiplies your mining earnings and that's 1.200 clicks every season (~12 captcha solves).
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Should be easy to do a learned solve for it. Popup to let the user select the correct image and when they do it's saved as a possible correct response. Then on next check the bot compares to all saved correct images and if none is in the options given it does another popup and asks the user for the correct one so it can add that one to the list of correct images it will recognize.
This will be a possible solution if there are just a few different images, but as far as i know there are a few thousand images and there are always 4 different solutions for each picture. I'm not using warofclicks and i did not test out this captcha, but someone told me if you give a wrong answer, then all of your earned wc and $ are which were made in that 100 ads are gone. The idea is simple but its a lot of work to implement that, and it's definietly not worth my time for a simple ptc bot which earns you a few cents / day.