Easily register 100 acounts.
*Its a little buggy but works
*Requires a brain to edit it
Warning:Clear command clears all cache and cookies:
Donate and support me btc- 1EVaCbXbuTYycDamfz9oQdHbhe5S5WEbc2Code:VERSION BUILD=8940826 RECORDER=FX CLEAR SET !ERRORIGNORE YES SET !ERRORCONTINUE YES SET !LOOP -99999 'paste registering code here 'edit below 'SET !DATASOURCE C:\\proxy\\proxysrc.csv\n 'Use above example to edit below the file path SET !DATASOURCE C:\\enter _path_here_delte _this_text SET !DATASOURCE_COLUMNS 2 SET !DATASOURCE_LINE PROXY ADDRESS={{!COL1}}:{{!COL2}} BYPASS=NULL 'use this example if proxy is https,socks 'PROXY ADDRESS=http=<SP>https= BYPASS=NULL 'let credits be 'credits to xwang from A2s.in 'Donate and support me btc- 1EVaCbXbuTYycDamfz9oQdHbhe5S5WEbc2