Since it's created with UniBot, it's of course a HTTP bot.
Usage is simple. Just download the latest version of UniBot and load the config, and of course before you hit the Start button you can configure threads and/or proxy to use. (You can also make an EXE bot or a shortcut which will automatically load the config, just go to Advanced menu and choose an option.)
Copy this and save it as alexamaster.ini:
P.S. If you don't want to be asked each time for the auto surf URL when you start the bot, then go to the 1st index and replace [inp] value in the "url" string with your URL.Code:;UniBot configuration file [Alexa Master surf bot - by MikiSoft] url=%url% strings=1,1,0,0:"url","[inp]";0,1,0,0:"phps","rg('[src]','PHPSESSID=(.*?);')";0,1,0,0:"param","rg('[src]','autosurf_open.php\?(.*?)=','$1')";0,1,0,0:"ua","Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:40.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/40.0" headers="User-Agent","%ua%" [2] url=https://www.alexamaster.net/AJAX/autosurf_open.php?%param%=0 strings=0,1,0,0:"wait","rg('[src]','""Time"":""(.*?)""','$1')";0,1,0,0:"token","rg('[src]','""Token"":""(.*?)""','$1')";0,0,0,1:"output","Waiting %wait% seconds...[nl]" headers="User-Agent","%ua%";"Cookie","%phps%";"X-Requested-With","XMLHttpRequest";"Referer","%url%" [3] strings=0,1,0,0:"phps","rg('[src]','PHPSESSID=(.*?);')" wait="%wait%" [4] url=https://www.alexamaster.net/AJAX/autosurf_validate.php?%param%=%token% headers="User-Agent","%ua%";"Cookie","%phps%";"Referer","%url%";"X-Requested-With","XMLHttpRequest" [5] strings=0,1,0,0:"phps","rg('[src]','PHPSESSID=(.*?);')" goto=3