Now this PTC paidverts being popular, to get ads you need Bonus Ads Points (BAP). Every day paidverts give 400 BAP and also reduce our BAP 100 for maintaince. To get a lot of the BAP we can buy ads or playing games.
This script is useful for playing PaidVerts Plip Coin Game. This script can be run automatically to place your bet with martingle method.
- How much you bet BAP.
- How much you want to win BAP.
- How much BAP point limit you want when you lose.
- How much you want to BAP stored.
- Each time you win save BAP Point you have set will be added in the BAP lose points. So point losses will be reduced.
Code:// ==UserScript== // @name Plip Coin Paidverts // @namespace http://a2s.in/ // @version 0.1 // @description Paidvert Plip Coin Gambling martingle method // @match http://www.paidverts.com/member/games/coin_flip.html // @copyright 2014+, Mukhadie@a2s // ==/UserScript== var scriptStop = true, plip = { timeLeft:0, coin:'heads', total_win:0, total_lose:0, session_lose: 0, minBet:10, maxBet: 5000, want: 200, lose: 10000, nextWait: 0, nextLose: 0, curBet: 0, curBalance: 0, lastBalance: 0, startBalance: 0, last_bet: 0, total_payout: 0, curSessionTime: '', save_bap: 5, timeDelay: 1, multiple: 2, isStopped: false, isToogle: false, isToogleOnWin: false, elmBalance: '.selectedBalance b', url: 'http://www.paidverts.com/member/games/coin_flip/play', init: function(){ var self = this; self.appendElapsedScript(); if(typeof(Storage) !== "undefined") { self.minBet = (!isNaN(parseInt(localStorage.getItem("plip_minBet")))) ? parseInt(localStorage.getItem("plip_minBet")) : self.minBet; self.curBet = (!isNaN(parseInt(localStorage.getItem("plip_curBet")))) ? parseInt(localStorage.getItem("plip_curBet")) : self.curBet; self.want = (!isNaN(parseInt(localStorage.getItem("plip_want")))) ? parseInt(localStorage.getItem("plip_want")) : self.want ; self.lose = (!isNaN(parseInt(localStorage.getItem("plip_lose")))) ? parseInt(localStorage.getItem("plip_lose")) : self.lose; self.save_bap = (!isNaN(parseInt(localStorage.getItem("plip_save")))) ? parseInt(localStorage.getItem("plip_save")) : self.save_bap; self.timeDelay = (!isNaN(parseInt(localStorage.getItem("plip_delay")))) ? parseInt(localStorage.getItem("plip_delay")) : self.timeDelay; self.multiple = (!isNaN(parseInt(localStorage.getItem("plip_multiple")))) ? parseInt(localStorage.getItem("plip_multiple")) : self.multiple; } self.curBalance = (self.curBalance > 0)?self.curBalance:parseInt($(self.elmBalance).text()); self.nextWait = (self.curBalance + self.want); self.curBet = (self.curBet > 0) ? self.curBet: self.minBet; self.nextLose = (parseInt(self.curBalance) - parseInt(self.lose)); self.startBalance = self.curBalance; self.displayContainer(); //self.run(); }, appendElapsedScript: function(){ var self = this; var script = document.createElement( 'script' ); script.type = 'text/javascript'; script.src = "http://www.labs.mimmin.com/countdown/remaining.js"; $("head").append( script ); }, displayContainer: function(){ var self = this; $('#plip-id').remove(); var html = '<div id="plip-mask" style="z-index:2;display: block;position: fixed;left:0;top:0;background:#000;opacity:0.5;width: 100%;height: 100%;"> </div><div id="plip-id" style="z-index: 3;text-align: left;width:700px; background-color: #f4f4f4; border: 4px solid #ccc;padding: 10px;position: fixed; margin-left: -300px; left: 50%;top: 20px;">'+ '<div style="float: left;width:50%;margin-right: 10px;"><a href="#" id="plip-close" style="color: red;">Close</a>'+ '<div id="plip-content"></div>'+ '<span id="plip-loading" style="text-align:center;">Press button bellow to begin</span>'+ '<p><button style="display: block; width: 100%;" id="plip-stop" class="button_green_sans3">Play</button></p>'+ "<div align='center' id='plip-ads'>"+ self.displayAds()+ "</div>"+ '</div><div style="float:right;width:45%;"><fieldset><legend>Settings</legend>'+ '<p><label>Your bet : </label><input type="text" id="plip-bet" style="padding:2px;width:97%;" value="'+self.curBet+'" /></p>'+ '<p><label><input type="radio" value="heads" checked="checked" name="side" /> Heads</label> <label><input type="radio" value="tails" name="side" /> Tails</label> <input name="side" type="radio" value="toogle" /> Toggle</label> <input name="side" type="radio" value="toogle_on_win" /> Toggle on win</label></p>'+ '<p><label>Time between bet : </label> | <label>Multiple bet on lose : </label><br /><input id="adpacks_number" class="number" type="number" name="plip-second" min="1" step="1" value="'+self.timeDelay+'"> second <input id="adpacks_number" class="number" type="number" name="plip-multiple" min="1" step="1" value="'+self.multiple+'"> x</p>'+ '<p><label>Stop on profit : </label><input type="text" id="plip-want" style="padding:2px;width:97%;" value="'+self.want+'" /></p>'+ '<p><label>Stop on lose : </label><input type="text" id="plip-lose" style="padding:2px;width:97%;" value="'+self.lose+'" /></p>'+ '<p><label>Save BAP : </label><input type="text" id="plip-save" style="padding:2px;width:97%;" value="'+self.save_bap+'" /></p>'+ '</fieldset><p>Elapsed time : <span id="plip-elapsedtime">0 hour 0 minute 0 second</span></p></div></div>'; $('body').append(html); self.display(); $('#plip-id').delegate('#plip-close','click', function(){ $('#plip-id, #plip-mask').remove(); }); $('#plip-id').delegate('#plip-stop','click', function(){ //console.log('Stopped...'); $('#plip-stop').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); if( scriptStop ){ scriptStop = false; self.startBalance = self.curBalance; var dcoin = $('input[name=side]:checked').val(); if( dcoin == 'toogle' ){ self.isToogle = true; }else if( dcoin == 'toogle_on_win' ){ self.isToogle = false; self.isToogleOnWin = true; }else{ self.coin = dcoin; self.isToogle = false; self.isToogleOnWin = false; } self.minBet = parseInt( $('#plip-bet').val() ); self.curBet = parseInt( $('#plip-bet').val() ); self.want = parseInt( $('#plip-want').val() ); self.lose = parseInt( $('#plip-lose').val() ); self.nextWait = (parseInt(self.curBalance) + parseInt(self.want)); self.nextLose = (parseInt(self.curBalance) - parseInt(self.lose)); self.save_bap = parseInt($('#plip-save').val()); self.timeDelay = parseInt($('input[name=plip-second]').val()); self.multiple = parseInt($('input[name=plip-multiple]').val()); if(typeof(Storage) !== "undefined") { localStorage.setItem("plip_minBet", self.minBet); localStorage.setItem("plip_curBet", self.curBet); localStorage.setItem("plip_want", self.want); localStorage.setItem("plip_lose", self.lose); localStorage.setItem("plip_save", self.save_bap); localStorage.setItem("plip_delay", self.time_delay); localStorage.setItem("plip_multiple", self.multiple); } $('#plip-want').attr('disabled','disabled'); $('#plip-lose').attr('disabled','disabled'); $('#plip-save').attr('disabled','disabled'); $('#plip-bet').attr('disabled','disabled'); $('input[name=plip-second]').attr('disabled','disabled'); $('input[name=plip-multiple]').attr('disabled','disabled'); var curTime = new Date(), cm = curTime.getMonth()+1, cd = curTime.getDate(), cy = curTime.getFullYear(), h = curTime.getHours(), m = curTime.getMinutes(), s = curTime.getSeconds(), curDate = cy + '-' + cm + '-' + cd + ' ' + h + ':' + m + ':' + s; self.curSessionTime = curDate; self.display(); self.runTimer(); $('#plip-loading').text('Playing'); self.run(); }else{ $('#plip-loading').text('Trying to stop...'); scriptStop = true; } }); var randomnumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000); setInterval(function() { try{ $('#plip-ads').html(self.displayAds); }catch(err){ } }, 60000 + randomnumber); }, displayAds: function(){ var html = "<iframe data-aa='38022' src='//ad.a-ads.com/38022?size=120x60&background_color=f4f4f4&title_color=32c75f&link_color=32c75f&title_hover_color=32c75f&link_hover_color=32c75f&text_color=444444' scrolling='no' style='width:120px; height:60px; margin-right: 20px;border:0px; padding:0;overflow:hidden' allowtransparency='true'></iframe>"+ "<iframe data-aa='38022' src='//ad.a-ads.com/38022?size=120x60&background_color=f4f4f4&title_color=32c75f&link_color=32c75f&title_hover_color=32c75f&link_hover_color=32c75f&text_color=444444' scrolling='no' style='width:120px; height:60px; border:0px; padding:0;overflow:hidden' allowtransparency='true'></iframe><p></p><p></p><iframe data-aa='38162' src='//ad.a-ads.com/38162?size=320x50&background_color=f4f4f4&title_color=32c75f&link_color=32c75f&title_hover_color=32c75f&link_hover_color=32c75f&text_color=444444' scrolling='no' style='width:320px; height:50px; border:0px; padding:0;overflow:hidden' allowtransparency='true'></iframe>"; return html; }, display: function(){ var self = this, dBalance = ( self.lastBalance == 0 )?self.curBalance:self.lastBalance; //self.startBalance var html = '<p><b>Balance : </b>' + dBalance + '/<font color="green">' + self.nextWait + '</font>/<font color="red">' + self.nextLose + '</font> BAP ( '+ self.startBalance +' BAP )</p>'+ '<p><b>W/L/P : </b>' + self.total_win + '/' + self.total_lose + '/' + ( self.total_win + self.total_lose ) + '</p>'+ '<p><b>Last Bet : </b>' + self.last_bet + 'BAP</p>'+ '<p><b>Total payout : </b>' + self.total_payout + 'BAP</p>'; $('#plip-content').empty().html(html); }, toggle_coin: function(){ var self = this; switch(self.coin){ case "heads": self.coin = 'tails'; break; case "tails": self.coin = 'heads'; break; }; }, run: function(){ var self = this; if( scriptStop ){ $('#plip-loading').text('Stopped'); $('#plip-stop').text('Play'); $('#plip-stop').removeAttr('disabled'); $('#plip-want').removeAttr('disabled'); $('#plip-save').removeAttr('disabled'); $('#plip-bet').removeAttr('disabled'); $('#plip-lose').removeAttr('disabled'); $('input[name=plip-second]').removeAttr('disabled'); $('input[name=plip-multiple]').removeAttr('disabled'); return; }else{ $('#plip-stop').text('Stop'); $('#plip-stop').removeAttr('disabled'); } /* if( self.session_lose >= 3 ){ self.toggle_coin(); self.session_lose = 0; } */ if( self.isToogle ) self.toggle_coin(); $.ajax({ url: self.url, type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', data: { bet:self.curBet, guess:''+self.coin+'' }, beforeSend: function(){ $('#plip-loading').text('Please wait...'); }, success: function(res){ if( isNaN(res.payout) ){ self.log(res); self.delay(0); return; } $('.selectedBalance b').text(res.accountBalance); $('.gamesContentRight').html(res.right); self.lastBalance = res.accountBalance; self.last_bet = self.curBet, last_side = self.coin; if( res.payout > 0 ){ if( self.nextLose >= self.startBalance ){ if( parseInt( self.curBet ) > parseInt(self.save_bap) ) { self.nextLose += parseInt( self.curBet ) - parseInt( self.save_bap ); }else{ self.nextLose += parseInt( self.curBet ); } }else{ self.nextLose += parseInt( self.save_bap ); } self.curBet = self.minBet; if(self.isToogleOnWin){ self.toggle_coin(); } if( self.session_lose > 0 ) self.session_lose -= 1; self.total_win += 1; }else{ if( parseInt(self.curBet) == parseInt(self.maxBet) ) { self.curBet = self.minBet; self.last_bet = self.minBet; }else{ self.curBet = self.getBetAmount(self.curBet, 0); self.curBet = (self.curBet > self.maxBet)?self.maxBet:self.curBet; } if( self.nextLose >= self.startBalance ) self.nextLose -= parseInt( self.minBet ); self.session_lose += 1; self.total_lose += 1; } self.total_payout += ( res.payout - self.last_bet ); self.display(); if( res.payout > 0 ){ $('#plip-loading').text(res.resultHTML); }else{ $('#plip-loading').html('<font color="red">'+res.resultHTML+'</font>'); } if( res.accountBalance >= self.nextWait ){ self.display(); self.curBalance = res.accountBalance; self.nextWait = parseInt(res.accountBalance) + parseInt(self.want); self.nextLose = parseInt(res.accountBalance) - parseInt( self.lose ); scriptStop = true; self.total_payout = 0; self.session_lose = 0; self.total_lose = 0; self.total_win = 0; self.run(); //self.log( 'Restart script...' ); //self.delay(10000); return; //return self.log('Stopped...'); } if( self.curBet > res.accountBalance || ( res.accountBalance - self.curBet ) <= self.nextLose || res.accountBalance <= self.nextLose ){ self.display(); self.total_payout = 0; self.curBet = self.minBet; self.curBalance = res.accountBalance; self.nextWait = parseInt(res.accountBalance) + parseInt(self.want); self.nextLose = parseInt(self.curBalance) - parseInt(self.lose); self.session_lose = 0; self.total_lose = 0; self.total_win = 0; scriptStop = true; self.run(); return; } //self.log(''); self.delay(0); }, error: function(){ self.delay(0); } }); }, delay: function(addt){ var self = this; window.setTimeout( function(){ self.run(); }, ( Math.round(Math.random() * (self.timeDelay * 1000) )+(self.timeDelay * 1000) ) + addt ); }, log: function(txt){ console.log(txt); }, runTimer: function(){ var self = this; if( scriptStop ) return; $('#plip-elapsedtime').text( remaining.getString(-remaining.getSeconds(self.curSessionTime), null, false) + ' ago' ); window.setTimeout(function(){ self.runTimer(); },1000); }, getBetAmount: function(lastBet, nextBet){ var self = this, multipleBet = parseInt(lastBet * self.multiple) + nextBet, resMultipleBet = parseInt( multipleBet * 1.97 ), selisih = (resMultipleBet - lastBet) - multipleBet; if( selisih >= lastBet ){ return multipleBet; }else{ return self.getBetAmount(lastBet, nextBet+1); } } }; function run_game(){ return plip.init(); } if (window.addEventListener) { // Standard window.addEventListener('load', run_game, false); } else if (window.attachEvent) { // Microsoft window.attachEvent('onload', run_game); }
How to :
method one : Install TamperMonkey for google crome browser, and add new user script paste the script and visit http://www.paidverts.com/member/games/coin_flip.html
method two : Install GreaseMonkey for Mozila Firefox browser, and add new user script paste the script and visit http://www.paidverts.com/member/games/coin_flip.html
method three : Visit http://www.paidverts.com/member/games/coin_flip.html open your browser console and paste this script in your browser console.
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