Yuki genre ? Never heard of it :question:
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What is anime?? :question:
AHAHAH i made Ryu cry! I'm so happy! :p kdg!
Yes i know what is! And i usually watch it! But i stopped because of school olnly in 46days i can see again (if i pass all exames ...) :P
ps: the last one was Shingeki no kyojin!
But i wanna see Akame Ga Kill! do you know it @Ryuzaki ??
Yep watched it its really good action anime with a lot of sad scenes @ghoza i only know kill la kill it has some side yuri elements
Yes of cource.. The most I like is one piece, it is like a legend (beside dragon ball)... :D
i've been watching kill la kill.. its not bad anime
any recommended again?
tokyo ghoul , kuroko no basket, Kuroshitsuji :love: