Dear Friends,
I have read and notice that the use of fiverr is mentioned a lot around the forum. I even can go as far to say I have received an excellent product to promote on fiverr that I must thank the admin for of course, however on the other hand I see no mention of seoclerk wherein both sites or of similar nature..
Currently most of my time is being spent on trying to learn how to sell gigs on seoclerk but with not much luck there yet. To date I only have one person who seemed interested in one of my solo ads gigs but he have not purchased any thing as yet.
Is there any expert here that can guide on best ways to make sales conversion on both these sites. I think if I can get a break into that market, I can make my earnings online more of a constant things.
Thanks for any response..Similar Threads:
Same here, tried with the guides in this forum but can't get any sales ;l
@garywelsh @MintSauce, First I don't use SeaClerk even that you can find many users sell products using my username , for the simple reason that fiverr have pros , Seoclerk has newbies , this is the truth , most of the members of seoclerk are between 15-24 who are registered in hack forums and similar forums , so that means they're looking for fast money , if you buy backlinks from them , they will use a bot , if you ask them to write article , they will use a bot , nothing special . In fiverr , most of the sellers are old & pros, you can also see the videos to see if that person is serious or not , that's why I always use fiverr to sell & buy.
For getting sales , I didn't make an ebook for that but I've always mentionned that , here is the tricks that you can use:
1- Write a good description about yourself (if you're using a girl profile , use a description that goes with that)
2- Use a human avatar :don't use a random picture , use your real picture , or a girly avatar for a girl profile)
3- Use gig templates : go to the top sellers gigs and use their template to create your gig , don't make a simple gig.
4- Sell what people want , NOT what you want : most of newbies sell products that they find it usefull for themselves thinking that everyone will love that, that's not how it works, look what are most people search on fiverr , & try to make a product for that , like people on fiverr love to buy portraits, then go and learn how to do that (nothing hard to do those days).
5- If it's been more than 3 weeks without any sales , don't be greedy, go and buy sellers , go to forums and offer a job for 6$-7$ , that people need to buy your gig on fiverr and you will send them immediately 6$-7$ ( profit of 1-2$ ) , then when you hit 5 sales , stop that offer.
Hey Angemon, Thanks for your reply and advice. I want to make sure I am understanding correctly. Are you saying to go look person to be affiliates of my product to go out and sell my product for $6 -$7 or have I got the wrong understanding here?
Ps, I had thought of the picture thing sometime ago and changed it already..
Ok great! the idea seems great. So as soon as they buy and leave a review, I should then pay them back there $5 + an interest of $2-$3?
Please forgive me for asking noob question.. I just want to make sure I have the concept correctly and the best way I know how to do this is by asking question...
Thanks for all your previous responses and support admin
Last edited by garywelsh; 01-19-2015 at 12:49 PM.