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So guys i decided to share with you a simple ponzi script for a site (just PHP,HTML,JSS,CSS) no need to dtb etc.
Its really simple and primitive but some people can fall for it
Its really easy to edit the html files to be right so i am NOT providing any kind of support :P
"Demo" site is here
*I dont have ANY responsibility on HOW you use the script
** Dont try to sell it .. NOBODY will buy it because its really primitive
*** If you want you can donate some BTC to this address : 19xzEg63qcL57sTCQ9jcnemPfiZoCjGbSP so i can pay @legendclaw24 his BTC(every cent is good)
DOWNLOAD IT HERE - Megabitload (click on download, close the popup site which opened, wait 20 secs to download)