Just curious guys .. Do you have some Girlfriend/Boyfriend or Wife or so ?
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Just curious guys .. Do you have some Girlfriend/Boyfriend or Wife or so ?
ur polls are .... just .... :facepalm:
and to answer it , I'm :alone:
no share your method to get Girlfriend :cry: :miao:
As @Ryuzaki said , outdated :D please update Methods.dll
The best thing that will happen will be getting hit by the flowers in the face :confused2:
can we get a girlfriend by google it?
I still need some more answers to the pool to make another Graph mates :D
Waiting for method :D
Haha, loled hard reading this post... The easiest way: Put 0 effort in trying to get one. I was desperate after getting one lol.. I think 3-4 months I was looking for a sweet girl, no one liked me back, stopped trying to get one and 2 weeks after my real love found me.. Been together with my GF since 02/08/2013:love: