Designing logos for FREE just to improve my skills :)
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Designing logos for FREE just to improve my skills :)
@Ryuzaki means need to place full picture in the logo ? :grimace:
@Ryuzaki yeah.. it's not :D hmmmm!
@Ryuzaki is she? (actually i don't know anything about anime characters) :P
Update: Oops, i did not know that it's that BIG :D
@Ryuzaki How's it?
and Here's with little dark background!
@Ryuzaki that's great :D Glad to hear that :prettiness:
Could I request 2 logos? One with my name initials EV and another my acc name Ernis45. What do you think?
Omg ur skills were I really love designs.
Make 1 for me too
Google anonymous .get the sexiest pic and then add a glitch effect comment with text "HACKED" hac in red and ked in black or white whichever looks cool.dark background as always
If thats hard.then surprise me with ur best shot for ebookleaks
@ernis45 @Danger Devil i will do it later.. need to sleep :D it's already 2 AM here!
@Danger Devil here you go! BTW it was first time i created glitch effect...! Just watched few tutorials and followed them.. please bear :P
With two backgrounds!
Anything you find bad, let me know :D I change it (y)
@ernis45 here are the design of your initials EV!
Check it out if you like it
example 1:
example 2:
You are improving now @legendclaw24 keep it up bro! :D
Also, thats more of a signature, try to keep the text under the logo, you could highlight her face with a circle with stroke effects on it, I don't have time or I would have shown you.
@onsali20 ok thanks ;) @ernis45 yup, sure! (y) BTW, can you tell me the color you prefer to use in writing your text?
UPDATE: Looking for more people who want to get designed something!
@ernis45 Nope! :) Goodluck!