Asking Someone Out - A Final Update *insert suspense here*
I felt obligated to post here once again. I know I'm not active, but I felt like I "owed" the community an update to this.
Tl;dr of my last two posts - wanted to ask someone out....s**t really hit the f**king fanannnd yeah. No bueno.
If you feel obligated to read:
@Angemon merged my first post into the second.
Here's a bit of a run down.
- Meet girl.
- Talk for a while, we get really close.
- oshit.jpg: distance
- Shit hits the fan, stuff that won't be discussed here for both the sake of privacy & the fact that I'm quite embarrassed by it.
So there's that for the newcomers.
As per request:
Those guys requested to be tagged. xD
Well uhm. Long time later, I'm proud to be able to say....
Dat suspense tho.
She asked me out. And my answer was an obvious yes. Christmas day if we want to be exact here. Great present if you ask me. :P
As I write this we're hanging out, playing some Battlefield. :3
So yeah. Figured I would update everyone - things in spoilers for those who want to read the story then hear the update.
i will read this later from my vps bro (my ISP really sucks that i can't see picture at all)
come on bro.. where is "next" ?