I think it would be great if you download a smiley pack and add it to the current smileys.
There are just a few :(
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I think it would be great if you download a smiley pack and add it to the current smileys.
There are just a few :(
Or, we could make an purchase in the thanks store be a smiley expansion pack... Just a thought
Sounds like an awesome idea! Having creative custom smileys such as what TBN has, would make the forum a lot more fun and creative :)
Make some custom smiley just for a2s only just to be original imo. Make a smiley of angemon :)
how about this pack
:yuno: :kkk: :argh: :poker-face: :hm: :alone: :poker: :hehe: :aff: :own: :haha: =pm :what: :fui: :^^: :=pf :Oo: :ffuu: :yeeeeh: =df :omg: :ffuu-f: :troll: =) :okay: :fap: :cha-acc: =( :notbad: :bua: :ch-acc: :66: :deargod: :blz: :wat: -_- :lol: :awyeah:
here is the final PACKS
Blue Pack:
:18: :7: :39: :28: :17: :6: :38: :27: :16: :5: :37: :26: :15: :4: :36: :25: :14: :3: :35: :24: :13: :2: :34: :23: :12: :1: :33: :22: :11: :32: :21: :10: :31: :20: :9: :30: :19: :8: :40: :29:
Black Pack:
:Emoji8-100: :Emoji18-100: :Emoji7-100: :Emoji17-100: :Emoji6-100: :Emoji16-100: :Emoji5-100: :Emoji15-100: :Emoji4-100: :Emoji14-100: :Emoji3-100: :Emoji13-100: :Emoji2-100: :Emoji12-100: :Emoji1-100: :Emoji11-100: :Emoji10-100: :Emoji9-100:
Yellow Pack:
:love: :thirst: :grimace: :sweat: :fire: :startle: :cry: :spook: :burn: :smile: :anger: :slobber: :shout: :surprise2: :question: :cool2: :prettiness: :confused2: :miao: :vomit:
Memes Pack:
:blz: :wat: -_- :lol: :awyeah: :yuno: :kkk: :argh: :poker-face: :hm: :alone: :poker: :hehe: :aff: :own: :haha: =pm :what: :fui: :^^: :=pf :Oo: :ffuu: :yeeeeh: =df :omg: :ffuu-f: :troll: =) :okay: :fap: :cha-acc: =( :notbad: :bua: :ch-acc: :66: :deargod:
awesome man. :D way to go angemon:Emoji9-100:
i love those memes pack @Angemon