This Vps is for limited period and you get this vps for 120 days "Amazing". Right now its has only Linux Operating servers, but soon they will adds Windows Operating system too. This service is has a feature of instant activated with good resources like 4 GB Ram + 40 GB storage. With this kinds of resources you can do many things on your vps, like making gaming server, host your own website and many more...
VPS Specifications are:
2 vCores
40 GB storage
How to get free VPS?
Follow the steps.
* First you need to go to the website ((Click Here))
* When your Website is open click on "Register" button on the website.
* New page will open with the sign up form Fill the form with accurate information also add your working mobile no on which you got your validation code, when you add the mobile no at under you see "Validate code" button click on it.. which will send you the 6 digit number via sms and at last you will see the option about the purpose of using cloud, add the reasonable usage note in it..
* Then click on submit.
* Next you will see an new page with this text "Thank you for your registration. You have been granted access to the Community Cloud Portal. Please bookmark this URL for future reference: http://XYZ.."
* Click on the Community Cloud Portal Url and check out the Email id which you added at the sign up process, in which you got all the information related your account you can also find your login id or password in it.
* When you click on the Community Cloud Portal Url, you see a Login page enter your id and Password, which is located in email.
* After login you will click on browse deploy able images.
* Next you will see all the images of Operating system.. choose one of them.
* After choosing click on deploy button to deploy your image.
* You will see a new webpage with choosing the name, description and plan. Make sure you did not choose the plan with public which will give you the error when deploying.
* Now click on deploy and you will see in next webpage that your vps is deploying in instances section.
That's it, Enjoy your new Vps for 120 days...Similar Threads:
Relax and calm your mind. Forget about yourself and follow your opponent's movement.
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Thank You Bro
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Muchas gracias, lo probaré
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Thank u so much YIPMAN for your post , im very enjoy when i read something like that
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Thank you yipman
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thank you bro
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good luck guys
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Got one bro, thanks
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thank you .i'm on it.great.
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Got one bro, thanks