Hi A2S Members in this guide you will learn how to get free Web Hosting (DDos Protected) which will not required any credit card Just you need an email Verification which work for all countries. You can register this service with free domains or there own subdomain. This service according to the owner that this service will stay for life time . This service is activate Automatically. The advantages of this service is the SSD Drive and Ddos Protected which is very fast and very good for hosting your website.
Cpanel Plan:
1GB Drive Space
15GB Bandwidth
1 FTP Account
1 Email Account
1 Database
1 Subdomain
1 Parked Domains
1 Addon Domains
cPanel Original
How to get this free Service?
You don't need to get any free domain.. Because this website already giving you free sub domains.
Now go to free hosting website LINK
When click on hosting website link you will move to new free hosting order now page. Click on order now.
After clicking on order now button, on next page you need to add domain, select "Use a sub domain from Rapid Web Host" and add your favorite domain. Then click on check.
If your domain is accepted you will move to shoping cart review and checkout,Click on check out button.
Next page is sign up page. Fill the sign up page with relevant and your own information carefully then Click on Create account.
After clicking on create account now they send you email to verify your account verify your account by going to your email address. If you won't find the email in inbox check in spam too.. after verifying you will receive the email with your account information with all relevant details of your cpanel account. Enjoy..
Relax and calm your mind. Forget about yourself and follow your opponent's movement.