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Received: 478 Given: 122 |
Hehe i bought 1 TB flash disk ( its only 966 GB but thats okay)
How much it cost ? $12.2
Will sell it in Czech Republick for 10x original price with no problemSimilar Threads:
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Received: 56 Given: 87 |
You have started selling things to earn additional income?Great!
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Received: 56 Given: 87 |
@Ryuzaki This Hp Usb is made with metal ( Metal is good conductor).. If you will connect it with laptop or computer.. It can give a shot of current :P
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Received: 56 Given: 87 |
@RyuzakiYou have bought it for 12$ and going to sell it for x10 = 120$ ??
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Received: 56 Given: 87 |
@Ryuzaki If people can get it for 12$ from the shop where you bought then why will they buy from you for 120$ :O ?I am having confusion!
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Received: 56 Given: 87 |
@RyuzakiIt means you are going to scam with people??