Whats the websyndic address in the cmd window of that screenshot? websyndic.com/wv3/?q........ ?
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oh 1 more thing, I just checked my VPS1 with the working bot, and I found out that after 872 points it gave me the error Proxy Error thing :( now I dont have any VPS running the bot :(
You are saying the solution the whole time!!
You just need to change the Site to English thats all Damn!!! I thought I changed it already but I changed it again and then boom! Worked!! Thank you sir
I've discovered some problems just now, I have 10 vps running the bot, but 4 of my vps bots are all down after 1-2hrs. I looked into those 4 bots and I saw the same error on those 4, like Proxy Error thing, I need to remove thread, add it again and run it again for the bot to work again. and then like after 30 mins, my other VPS are now down. So meaning the bot will have that Proxy Error thing after 1-2hrs. You need to restart the bot manually every 1-2hrs.
Hello Mr. Chillivanilli
I have one question, i didnt download this bot to try, but i wanna to ask its stay alone like shortcut or not ?
Cause if it stay alone and we can use like shortcuts, i can make one tutorial how to use shortcuts apps on one hide ip softwar, and than nobody doesnt need for proxy :D.
Thank you in advance.
yes, the bot is not working after 1-2hrs of running. It will show the proxy error thing. After the bot earned like 800-1k points it will show the proxy error thing, all bots are randomly having that kind of problem but they will surely have the error after 1-2hrs of running. I'm running the bot from US, UK and Asia. They all got the same error after 1-2hrs.
i dont know what you mean by "stay alone like shortcut". But you need a proxylist if you want to run more than 1 thread.
Ok thanks for the information. Maybe this happens at other users, too? Response please if you are facing the same issue people so i can take a look into it.