I entered the email address and it only is saying Logging to WarOfClicks still.
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create a video because i don't know how to open because there is no exe
Then this bot is pretty much useless :p but u can earn alot if u run it in the background anyway to do that chilli? I liked that this bot used very less memory usage <3
It's coded in java, you can use it on every OS, e.g. Windows, Linux, Mac...
You just need to install the latest java on your pc to run the .jar file.
I made this bot because many people are using warofclicks and to promote a2s. So not only the AngeClub members get bots, but all members who are registered on A2S. And if they want "real" bots which can make you much money they can join AngeClub. In my opinion every ptc site is pretty useless, unless you have a system and invest much money in it. If you don't "play" this game at warofclicks and just do it for the money and also have no refs, don't use the bot and the site, you won't earn anything.
What you can try is register many refs under you and each ref is running the bot, then you could earn (depending on the number of refs) about 1$ / day.
Mhh and if you start the old version and enter your email it's working? How long did you wait? Did you try it a few times? Sometimes warofclicks is slow and doesnt give a response.
if there is no exe file in folder there how can i enter my email id & pass
You're not supposed to open that archive. If you have Winrar installed but no Java, it will look like a normal archive, but it's not. Install the latest version of java and right click the said file, you'll have an option to open it with java.
This is how you should open it. Note that after I opened it once, the type of file became recognized as a .jar automatically.
thanks a lot now i got it
So, I can promote this bot and a2s and reffer ppl to me at the same time?
Edit : My bad , work fine now
Can you share the source code of your bot, please?
It could be interesting for those that use Java.