really nice bot! easy to set up
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really nice bot! easy to set up
Very nice bot. Have ran it for 2 days has gotten me 5700 clicks. WELL DONE SIR!
may i ask, is anyone using this bot ever get banned? I'm using this bot and yes this is a great bot. But i'm afraid i'll be banned any time now. lol
need help. I will run bot check all boxes. Click start. After 5 minets no clicks. On my pc win 7 x64 java 8 update 31. Need help
@lisenokk Check only one checkbox
i know its a idiotic thing to say but did you fill in your login details correctly ? @lisenokk
yes. Account name my mail and password
no shows any error. No click.
@lisenokk Give us screenshot where it gets stuck.Just saying "ITS NO WORKING!" is not helping us find ur problem.
@lisenokk add it without http://www.
yadi . sk / i / rREFep65efzpC
Del more space
@lisenokk this is a known bug , can't help you with this. I can only give you an idea - try running it on VPS or in an other computer.
great work!
Thanks for this book, I found some exploits on the site and with this bot works GREAT. I added the method in my ebook (I think I will post this ebook on few forums because all of us needs some money).
Thank you for sharing this!
is this bot working yet?
because i am running it in a vps, but the site does not count the clicks...
the bot says that already clicked 2000 times( for example) but in the account nothing is counted
yeah i have tiped correctly the login info, but i do know why it does not count.
i used this bot and make 20 fake reff run in vps :D good earning and i don't get banned u just stop bot when it run 10 hours
Nice to hear that! May i ask you how much you have earned with that?
If it does not work for you but for everyone else, thats strange.. I need to take a look into the bot when i have time, maybe they changed some code.
You say the bot counts the clicks and it says it clicked about 2000 times? But in your account it did not count any click? Do you have WarGrids or Ads or both enabled?
@Chillivanilli I think you are getting from $0,05 to $0,15 for active referral :)
@Chillivanilli $6 :) and already cashout $2
i use 8 fake account :D like $1.something for each 3 days