Hi Bro, Have Problems, Login Failed! Quiting Bot! (Please help)
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Hi Bro, Have Problems, Login Failed! Quiting Bot! (Please help)
that means your login details int right. use your right email and password
im use correct credentials.
Well it works for me, make sure there's no spaces. Exit the program. Reopen. Place your email in first then password ( take your time ) Make sure if there's caps type them in then check one of the boxes, then login
thanks, i fix. im restard my computer :)
it has more than 200mb in ram when running...
can you make windows startup and autostart running? and save user details?
You can make it start at windows startup yourself, windows supports that. Save user details will be avaible in the next update.
You are right, i dont know why it uses so much ram right now.. It was very low at the beginning when i made some tests (~25mb).
I did not changed something which could take more ram.. I'll take a look at it and if i can i'll change it in the next update.
I've just left the bot a week ago running on my vps , not even checking it... also @Chillivanilli about the ram i don't care even if it's 1gb ram , lol , my vps #2stronk :cool2: