View Full Version : New Commming: Start Date 03-16-2015

03-01-2015, 04:08 PM
Hello everybody, this is my first thread :smile: i want to share this info with you, and why not have few reffrels :slobber:

Ithink you all knew paidverts ? in this website you can receive daily cash ads that pay you from $0.0005 up to $200 for 30seconds of your time!
After all the success Paidverts knew all the good review about it, an other website strated the same strategy few weeks ago: DigAdz. after another one started Sanbux: for this one he is off since 02 days now.

There is a new PTC wich will start on 16-Mars-2015: same strategy based on Bonus Ads Points: advertzer.

Now i will put the links (Normal and reffrels):
Paidverts (https://www.paidverts.com)
Paidverts Reffrel Link (https://www.paidverts.com/ref/rouday)
DigAdz (http://www.digadz.com)
DigAdz Reffrel Link (http://www.digadz.com/rouday)
Advertzer (https://www.advertzer.com)
Advertzer Reffrel Link (https://www.advertzer.com/?ref=rouday)

Thank You All

03-01-2015, 10:29 PM
how much money per ad for paidvert?

03-02-2015, 12:33 AM
PaidVert is boring because they have captcha :s

03-02-2015, 12:36 AM
PaidVert is boring because they have captcha :s

Im looking for legit ptp sites finding nothing but rubbish

03-02-2015, 05:59 AM
Same here i need to make money XD

03-03-2015, 10:52 PM
you can earn from 0.005$ up to over 10$ perc click, all depend on how much points you have

03-03-2015, 11:03 PM
you need to make a little effort lol no one give money so easy

03-03-2015, 11:08 PM
99% PTC use Captcha, but this one no, even you can open 13 ads in same time and it sis likešPaidverts it use Bonus Ads Points (BAPs) and regular micro Ads (0.001$ and 0.0025$ Per cliks), You can Rent or buy Referrals if there are free Ref :love:

If you want you can Sign up here (http://www.sanbux.com/?REF=rouday)