View Full Version : [$70/month] TipsClix Expert Earning Guide!

02-11-2015, 02:55 PM
Recently I have found a new high-earning site ~~~TipsClix~~~ (http://www.tipsclix.com/?ref=ramzilla) (ink (http://www.tipsclix.com/)).

This site takes 5 minutes of your day maximum.

Starting out:

URL="http://www.tipsclix.com/?ref=ramzilla"]Sign Up[/URL]

Next click the view ads page. Use CTRL-Click to click 40 links in new tabs.

Wait 20 seconds and enter the 2 letter captcha on each ad, then repeat daily.

Day Two:

After you have your second day under your belt, transfer $0.10 to your purchase balance, then buy a referral. Repeat every time you have $0.10.

Week 2 and beyond:

Now you should be buying 2-3 referrals a day. Remember to save enough to renew the referrals.

And it is that easy!

Using this method, I am making $60/month.

02-11-2015, 03:16 PM
Let the fishing begin!

02-11-2015, 03:46 PM
Recently I have found a new high-earning site ~~~TipsClix~~~ (http://www.tipsclix.com/?ref=ramzilla) (ink (http://www.tipsclix.com/)).

This site takes 5 minutes of your day maximum.

Starting out:

URL="http://www.tipsclix.com/?ref=ramzilla"]Sign Up[/URL]

Next click the view ads page. Use CTRL-Click to click 40 links in new tabs.

Wait 20 seconds and enter the 2 letter captcha on each ad, then repeat daily.

Day Two:

After you have your second day under your belt, transfer $0.10 to your purchase balance, then buy a referral. Repeat every time you have $0.10.

Week 2 and beyond:

Now you should be buying 2-3 referrals a day. Remember to save enough to renew the referrals.

And it is that easy!

Using this method, I am making $60/month.

You copied it from your post on TBN changing some words. This will be considered "Advertising" or "Referrals" if you don't provide payment proof and proper instructions. This forum will not get trashed like TBN by useless guides or referral fishers.

02-11-2015, 07:55 PM
I posted this in the PTC section. MY guide is legitimately made by me. I see posts just like this in this section.

02-11-2015, 09:43 PM
I will try it thanks a lot

06-07-2015, 11:56 AM
thanks man nice trick too

06-07-2015, 08:55 PM
thanks man nice trick too

Uhhhh, really? Looks like the website is "down for maintenance" and this website says it's a SCAM: Tipsclix - Scam [Domain Suspended] » PTC Archive (http://www.ptcarchive.net/scam-ptc-site-list/996-tipsclix-scam-domain-suspended.html)

07-15-2015, 10:38 AM
thanks . for you

08-25-2015, 12:15 PM
I will try it , thanks !