View Full Version : [AUTOPILOT] Earn money with AlexaMaster autosurf

01-30-2015, 04:40 PM
Hello guys,
Today I will show you how to earn money on autopilot using autosurf in your browser.
It's really simple and easy.You just need to register at AlexaMaster (http://system.alexamaster.com/index.php?Master=9023) and start the surf in your browser window.To start it you need to go here: Earn Points -> Auto Surf
Now you are ready.Just minimize the windows and leave it running.
The more points you get from the auto surf the more money you will get.
[Keep in mind you need to Disable Browser Popup Blocker and any other add-ons like AdBlock]

Few tips to increase your earnings:
#1 - Use IE,FF or Chrome so you can install AlexaMaster's (http://system.alexamaster.com/index.php?Master=9023) Toolbar to increase your earning from the autosurf!
#2 - Enable Videos to receive few more points!
#3 - If you have any VPS you can use it to increase your earnings.It's not taking much resoruces so you can run it even on low-end VPS.
#4 - If you want you can spend 2-3min per day to visit the high rewarding website's in the "Vote Website" section.This will boost your income and give you "Good Votes".

Minimum cashout is only $1
Payment Proof:


If you Have Any Quistion Regarding AlexaMaster (http://system.alexamaster.com/index.php?Master=9023) , feel free to ask me.

02-24-2015, 03:48 PM
Yeah, great one but kinda old.

02-26-2015, 11:59 PM
Thanks alot bro, Got this running on my broswer :D

02-27-2015, 12:24 AM
old but gold .. ow wait .. not gold ... but it's something =pm

10-30-2015, 08:23 AM
Hmm, Well if it's autosurf I guess will let it a go.
Hope can earn something :)

10-31-2015, 08:14 PM
wonder, this method works yet