View Full Version : Where to post iMacros?

07-15-2014, 02:07 PM

i want to contribute some private iMacros which i made for myself or for my customers, to the Angeclub members, but in the Angeclub section we can only post eBooks as it is said in Angemons rules... I don't really want to make a full eBook for every iMacro, this would be too much work.
Where should i post it?

07-15-2014, 03:49 PM
Thanks for your suggestion Chillivanilli
AngeClub is for exclusive methods , if you have a way to use the imacros to earn money you can post the imacros with the method in the AngeClub
but if you're willing to share just the imacros scripts which still something really great since that will help other members to improve their methods so they can contribute to AngeClub section more, you can use this section http://a2s.in/sub-bots/