View Full Version : My Blog road

12-22-2014, 09:13 PM
Today i was watching a movie, and suddenly and idea came in my mind (why not?) than i decided to create a blog it talks about mmh everything i think ahahaah, i dont wanna rush in earning i wanna build it slowly and with love.

Date started: 22/12/2014
Hosting&Domain: Altervista.org (Wordpress)
Link site: Horizon Blog (http://letstalkabout.altervista.org)
Visitor daily= ??

Maybe the theme its not one of the bests but i need to learn ahahha, im gonna post every 3/5 days how the blog is going.
Tips and criticez are accepted :smile:

12-22-2014, 09:44 PM
Cool Pikachu , you need to start posting some contents and I guess it will be cool if the domain called horizonmind.com (available)

01-17-2015, 08:21 PM
How is your blog doing now my friend? :)